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Znowu alkohol

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Successful weight loss is all about oxidizing (or burning), more calories than you eat. When they go on a diet, many people choose low-calorie alcoholic drinks, mainly because they contain fewer alcohol calories than their regular counterparts.
However, drinking too much has a far more damaging effect than you can predict simply by looking at the number of alcohol calories in a drink. Not only does it reduce the number of fat calories you burn, alcohol can increase your appetite and lower your testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after you finish drinking.
Alcohol calories
According to conventional wisdom, the infamous "beer belly" is caused by excess alcohol calories being stored as fat. Yet, less than five percent of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. Rather, the main effect of alcohol is to reduce the amount of fat your body burns for energy.
Some evidence for this comes from research carried in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [4]. Eight men were given two drinks of vodka and lemonade separated by 30 minutes. Each drink contained just under 90 calories. Fat metabolism was measured before and after consumption of the drink. For several hours after drinking the vodka, whole body lipid oxidation (a measure of how much fat your body is burning) dropped by a massive 73%.

Rather than getting stored as fat, the main fate of alcohol is conversion into a substance called acetate. In fact, blood levels of acetate after drinking the vodka were 2.5 times higher than normal. And it appears this sharp rise in acetate puts the brakes on fat loss.
A car engine typically uses only one source of fuel. Your body, on the other hand, draws from a number of different energy sources, such as carbohydrate, fat, and protein. To a certain extent, the source of fuel your body uses is dictated by its availability.
In other words, your body tends to use whatever you feed it. Consequently, when acetate levels rise, your body simply burns more acetate, and less fat. In essence, acetate pushes fat to the back of the queue.
So, to summarize and review, here's what happens to fat metabolism after the odd drink or two.
? A small portion of the alcohol is converted into fat.
? Your liver then converts most of the alcohol into acetate.
? The acetate is then released into your bloodstream, and replaces fat as a source of fuel.

The way your body responds to alcohol is very similar to the way it deals with excess carbohydrate. Although carbohydrate can be converted directly into fat, one of the main effects of overfeeding with carbohydrate is that it simply replaces fat as a source of energy. That's why any type of diet, whether it's high-fat, high-protein, or high-carbohydrate, can lead to a gain in weight.
The combination of alcohol and a high-calorie meal is especially fattening, mainly because alcohol acts as a potent appetizer. A Canadian study shows that an aperitif (an alcoholic drink taken before a meal to increase the appetite) increased calorie intake to a greater extent than a carbohydrate-based drink [5].
Not only does alcohol put the brakes on fat loss, it's also one of the most effective ways to slash your testosterone levels. Just a single bout of heavy drinking raises levels of the muscle-wasting hormone cortisol and increases the breakdown of testosterone for up to 24 hours [6]. The damaging effects of alcohol on testosterone are made even worse when you exercise before drinking [1].
The effect of alcohol on testosterone could be one reason that people who drink a lot carry less muscle. In fact, a 1993 study shows that alcoholic men have bigger waists and smaller muscles than teetotalers [2].
Although an alcohol-rich meal does increase your metabolic rate, it also suppresses the number of fat calories your body burns for energy ? far more so than meals rich in protein, carbohydrate, or fat [3]. While the odd drink now and again isn't going to hurt, the bottom line is that alcohol and a leaner, stronger body just doesn't mix.


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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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sog (o ile naliczy)

"jedyną drogą rozwoju jest ciągłe podnoszenie poprzeczki, jedyną miarą sukcesu jest wysiłek jaki włożyliśmy aby go osiągnąć"


On też może być sportowcem.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 90 Napisanych postów 17398 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 79160
Although carbohydrate can be converted directly into fat, one of the main effects of overfeeding with carbohydrate is that it simply replaces fat as a source of energy. That's why any type of diet, whether it's high-fat, high-protein, or high-carbohydrate, can lead to a gain in weight.

wszedzie pisza o tym that high-fat diet can lead to a gain in weight ale niech opisza w jaki sposob sie to dzieje
artykul mi znany lecz na pewno wszystkim sie przyda

Jak jesz - tak zyjesz
Wiedza to podstawa
Doradca w dziale Alternatywna Droga
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 2 Napisanych postów 245 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 45617
Na pewno sie przyda, ale nie wszystkim, tylko tym ktorzy znaja angielski... :(



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A niektorzy znaja, ale im sie nie chce przeczytac

pozdrawiam Logan
"Posrod zwyczajnych chwil, budzic sie rano ze spokojem - zwykle marzenie moje. W sumie, swiata wcale zmieniac nie chce, to bylo by szalenstwem dlatego juz nie mysle o tym wiecej.[...]Usmiecham sie, bo umiem wybrac, mam swiadomosc, pelny wolnosci, nie jak zaprogramowany robot"

"Kazdy jest swirem - kwestia tylko na ile."

Zgłoś naruszenie
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i jednych i drugich nazwalbym ...lenie ! (do jednych i drugich sie ...zaliczam! )

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