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DNP - informacje

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Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 9216 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30094
veronko - pytalas co to jest DNP?
Prosze bardzo :

"DNP Information!!!! If you plan on taking PLEASE READ!!!
I'd like to say that I wouldn't suggest DNP to anyone... as a disclaimer... if you use it, you use it at your own risk... however, I am aware that people will use it, regardless of any warnings i might give, therefore, I feel is it important that they be completely informed on the subject... I spent some time posting this up on Intense Training last night... thought it might do some good here.


DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol), has throughout the years gained some popular (and unpopular) press as a fat loss drug. DNP can boost your metabolic rate up to 50%... and people have reported a 10-12lb fat loss in as little as 10 days (on HIGH dosgaes... on a more moderate dose... fat losses would be around 2-3% bf).
Many people think this drug is VERY dangerous... and it is... if misused... basically, there is NO upper-limit to how HIGH your body-temperature can go on this stuff... which means your dosage REALLY has to be watched closely.

I'll skip the HISTORY of this drug... but I will say that in the early 1900's, it was used to ignite TNT... heh heh... which is why you should keep this stored in your basement, or a cool place... if you leave it in LARGE amounts out in the sun... and it dries out ... hehehehehehe

DNP on a Molecular basis accomplishes an AMAZING boost in the metabolic rate through inhibition of the F0F1 ATP synthase molecule, which is located on the inner wall of every mitochondrion.... While the electron transport chain will still pump hydrogen ions into intermembrane space, coupling of the proton gradient to ATP production is rendered impossible by DNP. This results in ATP production being GREATLY reduced... and the energy is then turned into heat. Now, you'll really generate ALOT of heat... so much so, that even being AROUND the person on DNP will make YOU uncomfortable (or your spouse/girlfriend). It's a good thing that this heat does not contribute to total body temperature, but is thrown off the body as radiated heat... in particular, your head. Typical doses of DNP will increase your body temperature by around 1-1.5 degree C... this is good for your CNS and other tissues in your body...because the body heat is radiated off... and not within the body... usage of fans and air conditioning (or opening the windows in winter) can help this... A raise in BODY temperature is a very real danger... a danger that can be addressed through the proper dosage, and following the "rules" of using DNP.

Well... sure.. .DNP is a GREAT fat loss drug right?? But what about the GREAT risks involved???

1. Overheating -- DNP can turn your body into the surface of the sun... meaning that there is no limit to how HOT DNP can make your body... you can literally COOK from within. Dosages of 4-6 times a recommended dose can be LETHAL... overdoses of a smaller variety can cause damage to the brain or other body functions...

2. Carcinogenesis -- 2,4-dinitrophenol has never been accused of being a cancer-causing agent, but many people are concerned... and this is not without warrent. In addition to being a phenol, which has inherent carcenogenic properties... DNP produces free radicals and the releasing of compounds stored in the adipose tissue during the rapid fat losing process of DNP can also be potentially harmful...


1. HOT, HOT, HOT -- I can't describe this well enough... you will be VERY uncomfortable... and VERY hot. If you ask someone who has taken DNP before about their experiences... this is the FIRST thing out of their mouth. In the winter time, inside, with the temperatures cool... you can find your SHIRT soaked through with sweat. Take this into consideration if you have a job... you'll look like you just ran a marathon... also, if you plan on dating ... and aren't too "close" with the woman... she'd better get used to your ragged appearence during your usage... (or a guy, if a woman is using).

2. Insomnia -- Many people complain of this... being extremely uncomfortable while taking this can probably explain the reason...
Valerian root or melatonin can help you out with this.

3. Yellow body fluids -- LOL -- if you've taken this, you MAY have noticed your urine, semen or even vaginal (if woman) secretions to have a yellow tone to them... this isn't or hasn't been found to be dangerous in anyway... but it can be a relative side-effect.

4. Soreness of Muscles -- Duchaine has commented that using a weight that will allow you no FEWER than 15 reps, while on DNP, is recommended. When ATP levels drop too low, they can cause soreness of the muscle... adding in heavily encumbered recovery can cause even greater soreness, or even catabolism...

5. Allergic Reactions -- Hives, blisters, and/or inexplicable rashes can occur through the usage of DNP... these are really individualized... and around 5-10% of all DNP users may experience them. If you experience these sides, and they become unbearable... stop taking DNP... or perhaps look into possbile anti-allergenics... perhaps try taking it again... with a lower dosage.. .but I wouldn't KEEP taking.

6. The CARB crave -- needless to say...

When Can you expect to start noticing the effects and symptoms of DNP???

Day 1 -- No real effects, could have some temp increase, or even some carb cravings.

Day 2 -- T3/T4 decreases, you start to feel like you are dragging, temperature raising and others might notice your heat radiation.

Day 3-5 - Heat raises... water retention starts.

Day 6-8 - NOTICEABLE water retention, noticable muscle flatness (due to glycogen depletion) and water retention. Last dosage of DNP should be taken on the evening of day 8.

Day 9-10 -- DNP starts clearing out of the system.

Day 11-12 -- Water leaving system now... use of some diauretics can speed up this process... you can notice more muscular and cardiovascular endurance.

Day 13-14 -- Looking GOOD! Glycogen is back, and most of the water retention is gone!!

*** Results typical with Crystal DNP, Powder takes longer to activate and effect... ***


It is relatively EASY to start off with a proper dosage... it is always safer to ERR on the side of too-little than too much, especially if you are a 1st time user and do not know if you are allergic to DNP. A typically lean bodybuilder who weighs around 220lbs can expect to use between 300-500mg of DNP per day... not all at once now... , More experienced users have commented on using around 800mg per day. 1st time users find that they have lost 3-5lbs of fat per week with as little as 200mg of DNP!! You should never take more than 300mg at a time. If you were taking 600mg a day... you should probably split it up to be in early evening and then again about an 30min-1hour before bedtime... typical usage periods range around 7-8 days... and then another 7-8 days off... this won't affect the thyroid and the addtion of any T3/T4 will be unnecessary... T4/T3 conversion does decrease largely in the liver... due to the high temperature increases. You could experience, after 3-5 days, no more increase in your temperature... even though you are still on DNP... this is because the decrease in the t 3 could signal more production of it... either on a prolonged cycle or subsequent dnp cycle... Taking a LOOONG cycle, can cause the muscle fibers to be strained and starved of ATP... thus, leading to possible catabolism....

**** SUPPLEMENTATION*** this is important to the safe-usage of DNP...

***Information taken from DNP Manuel***
Magnesium (1500mg)
Vitamin C (3000mg in divided doses)
Vitamin E (1200 IU in divided doses)
Glutathione (200mg in divided doses)
NAC (various amounts)
T3 (dose according to personal preference)
Calcium (2000mg not taken with the Magnesium)
5-HTP (if not on antidepressant medication) (various amounts)Meridia, Redux, or Fenfluramine (various amounts)
Hydroxycitric Acid (particularly in the evenings to curb cravings)Pyruvate (2-6g/day in divided doses)
Glycerol (3 tbsp/day in divided doses)
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (500-1000mg daily in divided doses)

Of these.. .the first three are necessary for DNP program
Gluthathione is of particular importance for women in prevention of possible cataracts
5-HTP, Meridia, Redux, Fenfluramine, Hydroxycitric Acid -- are for appetite suppression... use at your own discretion.

More considerations???

1. Use fans at night... have one pointing at your head... as that is where most of the heat shoots out of... I also prefer to have a fan blowing on my body... actually.. one on each side of my body, and I sleep on my side.

2. Wear loose, light clothing... kinda goes without saying, but you can "breath better".

3. Clean your sheet -- you are going to be SWEATING profusely at night... you should wash them daily... your pillow cases... maybe even your pillows... spare pillows? This is to not only prevent your bed from smelling like a gym-bag... but cleanliness also prevents the spreading of disease and the smelling of your bed like DNP... ack! Keep in mind, you should be washing your clothes too... (sheets!), as your immune system is MUCH lower while on DNP and you are more susceptible to infection.

4. Hydrate your muscles -- I know I've drank over a gallon of water per day... Glycerol helps in keeping your muscles hydrated... which is important, because even slightly dehydrated muscles can cause a catabolic effect.

5. Doing cardio -- I would suggest doing LIGHT cardio for around 30 minutes... with a FAN blowing directly on you. This veries from PERson to person... I've heard of people doing HARD cardio for the same length of time while on it... if you start getting really weak.. .then stop! If you are getting weak and you feel like you can't stand up... you may have to eat some candy quickly to give you some "living" energy... which is why I like to stay on a LIGHT cardio scale... no need to PUSH it ... let the DNP do it's work

6. Diet... while many think there is no general guideline... I would keep my diet at 50% carbohydrates (CLEAN!), 20% fats, and 30% protiens. Carbs feul the ATP process... or LACK thereof... thereby FEULING the heating effect... ergo... more burning via ATP inhibitation.

Basically, the more carbs you eat, the hotter you will get... you could eat an even diet of 40/30/30 but... hey... it's 3:40am...

Experienced an anabolic rebound effect?? -- I'm not quite sure what causes this... but I have heard of it happening... I have not experienced it... but it could be caused by several factors... that I will get into once I GET this effect LOL.

DNP is a POWERFUL fat burning tool, but that doesn't mean it is the BEST for everyone... and it doesn't mean, by any means, that it is safe... but that doesn't change the fact that DNP is not the most effective fat burning tool that is out there now."

Pozdrawiam, Dezir - wasz łaciaty doradca w fitness i koxowa przyzwoitka zarazem
"Jak to sie w końcu nazywa - glukoneogeneza czy glikoneogeneza? A wogole to bardzo trudna nazwa dla odżywki białkowej.Wie ktoś gdzie to moge kupić?"


Zmieniony przez - dE^SiRE w dniu 2003-06-17 21:00:31

Pozdrawiam, Dezir - (były, więc nieoficjalny) moderator działu "Fitness"

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Witaj, przygotowaliśmy kilka tematów które mogą Cię zainteresować:


Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 9216 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30094
Dobra..a teraz przenosimy do dopingu

Pozdrawiam, Dezir - wasz łaciaty doradca w fitness i koxowa przyzwoitka zarazem
"Jak to sie w końcu nazywa - glukoneogeneza czy glikoneogeneza? A wogole to bardzo trudna nazwa dla odżywki białkowej.Wie ktoś gdzie to moge kupić?"


Pozdrawiam, Dezir - (były, więc nieoficjalny) moderator działu "Fitness"

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 12 Napisanych postów 1897 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9840
ale dlugie

po"grubas" w dziale fitness
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

po"grubas" w dziale fitness
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 9216 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30094
mozna to u was dostac?

Pozdrawiam, Dezir - wasz łaciaty doradca w fitness i koxowa przyzwoitka zarazem
"Jak to sie w końcu nazywa - glukoneogeneza czy glikoneogeneza? A wogole to bardzo trudna nazwa dla odżywki białkowej.Wie ktoś gdzie to moge kupić?"


Pozdrawiam, Dezir - (były, więc nieoficjalny) moderator działu "Fitness"

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 12 Napisanych postów 1897 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9840
yep...ale nawet o tym nie mysl.
Lifter moze to dostac.

po"grubas" w dziale fitness
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

po"grubas" w dziale fitness
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 9216 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30094
missy - to i tak dla mnie za slabe...

Pozdrawiam, Dezir - wasz łaciaty doradca w fitness i koxowa przyzwoitka zarazem
"Jak to sie w końcu nazywa - glukoneogeneza czy glikoneogeneza? A wogole to bardzo trudna nazwa dla odżywki białkowej.Wie ktoś gdzie to moge kupić?"


Pozdrawiam, Dezir - (były, więc nieoficjalny) moderator działu "Fitness"

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 12 Napisanych postów 1897 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9840
in your dreams
a co z planami t3 i clen?

po"grubas" w dziale fitness
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

po"grubas" w dziale fitness
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 9216 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30094
no... jutro sobie zamowie
ostatnio w teleshopie jest w promocji

Pozdrawiam, Dezir - wasz łaciaty doradca w fitness i koxowa przyzwoitka zarazem
"Jak to sie w końcu nazywa - glukoneogeneza czy glikoneogeneza? A wogole to bardzo trudna nazwa dla odżywki białkowej.Wie ktoś gdzie to moge kupić?"


Pozdrawiam, Dezir - (były, więc nieoficjalny) moderator działu "Fitness"

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 3448 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57050
Verona - jak juz bedziesz po kuracji daj znac jak bylo ... moze tez sie skusze
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 16 Napisanych postów 1964 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 31311
co przenosimy do dopingu, widze ze wy tam w tym fitnesie tez swieci nie jestescie



Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 9216 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30094
u nas w fitnesie to mamy wiecej pytan do doping niz wy

Pozdrawiam, Dezir - wasz łaciaty doradca w fitness i koxowa przyzwoitka zarazem
"Jak to sie w końcu nazywa - glukoneogeneza czy glikoneogeneza? A wogole to bardzo trudna nazwa dla odżywki białkowej.Wie ktoś gdzie to moge kupić?"


Pozdrawiam, Dezir - (były, więc nieoficjalny) moderator działu "Fitness"

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