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Jackie Chan konta Bruce Lee,oczywiście nie dosłownie

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Jackie powiedzial kiedys: bruce byl zupelnie inny niz ja,on gral zupelnie inne postacie,on byl twardy ,nigdy sie nie usmiechal,podczas gdy ja usmiechalem sie zawsze,on byl nie do pokonania,nikt nie mogl przylozyc Brucowi,mi kazdy mogl dokopac Tak naprawde to Jackie jest bardzo fajna osobą,a jego kung fu kiedys bylo bardzo fajne,teraz ,pomyslcie on ma 50 lat,szczerze chcialbym byc w jego formie w takim wieku.

Don't Try To Be Like Jackie,There Is Only One Jackie Chan...


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 394 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 2565
Jackie Chan Real Fights

Detroit, Michigan
" I met the first trouble-maker the day I arrived in Detroit, Michigan. When I stepped in the City Center, I saw a banner written, 'Jackie Chan - Master of Kung-Fu', being hung on the front door of City Hall. I immediately sensed the unpleasant atmosphere of the crowd, apparently offended by the words on the banner. As I predicted, trouble came. As my interview was coming to an end, I was asked to perform a few Kung-fu techniques. At that point a guy jumps onto the stage and shouts to me, "Jackie Chan, what would you do if someone attacks you?" The guy wasn't tall but had a sturdy built. From the way he dressed and behaved, he probably wanted to get a name for himself by striking me. While I was concentrating I also watched for the staff's reaction. But they didn't take any action, they wanted to see the duel. I had no choice but to keep calm and ready myself. In fact I decided to kick his legs. He made the first move, he swung his fists, looking like a fient move. Anyhow my left foot already struck his legs. With a loud 'bang' he hit the stage. At that point we were surrounded by the staff."

Cincinnati, Ohio
"In a network station in Cincinnati, Ohio, I was demonstrating how to free myself from being strangled from behind. My performing partner was a 6 foot male. But unlike our act in the rehearsal, when facing the camera, he squeezed my neck as tight as he could and I almost suffocated. I knew what I had to do. First an elbow to his ribs loosed his grip, then I twisted my body and with my hands over his back I pulled and rolled his body in a complete circle, heels over head. A terrific move! That two hundred pounder landed right in front of me, knocked out for a moment."

Portland, Oregon
"At a welcome party In Portland, Oregon, a male approached and asked for a duel . Being a guest at the party I refused his request. This guy, rather cunning, was seemingly disappionted and wanted to shake my hand goodbye. Once our hands grasped I could feel his seizing force and I knew I was trapped. I immediately moved my legs into a defensive position. In fact that guy was pretty strong with his grasp. I gripped his viens to lower the blood circulation, and his force gradually turned weak. While I was about to free my palm I saw him raising his left fist. I instantly grasped his thumb and commanded his wrist. At that point he could make no move."

Don't Try To Be Like Jackie,There Is Only One Jackie Chan...


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