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Japoński fenomen Boba Sappa

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Jak większość wie Sapp w JAponii jest obecnie prawie Bogeim
Występuje w co drugim kanale tv,nagrywa Cd,robi dziennie po kilka wywiadów ,gra w reklamach (kilka widzialem -strasznie głupie heeheh) iitd itp

Tu jest kilka zdań na ten temat z różnych serwisów.

"On the brighter side for Bob Sapp, he sold an estimated 4,000 T-shirts at the last K-1 event at $40 U.S. dollars a pop. Yes, that's $160,000 in T-shirt sales.
His doll is selling faster than stores can keep it on the shelves. There are two versions of the doll (licensed by K-1). The first version is 'Bob Sapp' and the second version is 'The Beast.' As with most Japanese toys, the craftsmanship and detail is phenomenal.
His CD is selling much better than expected despite mixed reviews and of course, he is doing countless product endorsements as usual. "

"You could say that Bob Sapp is big in Japan. But "big" hardly describes the level of media saturation Sapp has achieved. His face is everywhere. You can see it on banners in front of convenience stores, on pizza delivery junk-mail, and even on the turnstiles at train stations. He is in TV commercials pushing everything from instant noodles to A/V equipment. He makes appearances on game shows, variety shows, and celebrity athletic contests. He has even released a CD, the embarrassing but funny "Sapp Time."
But why him? Why, out of all the fighters who come through Japan, is Bob Sapp such a hit? I imagine it's something that "The Beast" even asks himself sometimes. I also imagine it's something most other fighters would love to figure out so they can get endorsement deals and make TV appearances too. Here are some possibilities.
First of all, Japan is a country with a heavyweight fetish and Bob Sapp is a genuine super-heavyweight. Sure, the heavyweights have always been the glamour division wherever fighting is popular. But Japan is also the land of sumo, where there are no weight divisions. In sumo you just get as big as you can and try to use it to your advantage.
In this light, Sapp's appeal as a fighter makes more sense. The average japanese fan is used to men of vastly different weights fighting each other. Bob Sapp pounding on guys like Norihisa Yamamoto and Kiyoshi Tamura is similar to the performance of the biggest sumo champs. Giants like Akebono or Musashimaru easily defeat sumo wrestlers who are merely huge. Japanese fans like big guys and no one in MMA or kickboxing is bigger than Sapp.
Second, Sapp is a former NFL lineman. American football is popular in Japan as a tough-guy sport and some japanese fighters started out as football or rugby players. Some still long to play football. When sumo champ Wakanohana retired from wrestling, he spent the next year going to open try-outs for NFL teams. So Sapp being a legit pro football player, in spite of his ho-hum career, helped pique japanese interest.
Third, Bob is kind of exotic here. Japan is a country with precious few minorities and a giant black man is both frightening and fascinating. When he's in the ring trying to stomp someone's guts out, people will pay to see it. Gary Goodridge and Quinton Jackson make a decent living by filling the role of big, scary, black man for japanese fans. But no one is bigger or scarier than Bob Sapp.
Fourth and most important, Sapp comes across as a genuinely likable guy. When he puts away his "Beast" pro-wrestling persona he is soft-spoken, warm and funny. It's something the japanese media can't seem to get enough of. They report on Bob Sapp's pet cats and his fear of spiders as much as they report on his fights.
Of course, Sapp really is a beast in the ring. Just ask Rodrigo Nogueira and Yoshihiro Takyama. But no one really buys the "Beast" persona. Even my wife's kindergarten students don't buy it. "He acts scary," one boy said, "but he's not really scary. He just pretends." With Bob Sapp, japanese fans get to have their cake and eat it too. They get to have a truly ferocious fighter who is also someone you'd want to have over for dinner or let your kids play with.
Of course, these are just guesses about why Bob Sapp is so popular in Japan. Why some americans are superstars abroad is truly mystifying. I mean, why is goofball comedian Jerry Lewis considered a genius in France? Why was David Hasselhoff topping the charts in Germany with cheesy pop songs? Who knows? Celebrity has a way of just happening to people. The only thing that's certain is that it's difficult to remain a celebrity, especially in the fight game.
Even "The Beast"'s own promoters seem to recognize this. Before Sapp's most recent K-1 fight, they played a video montage of his highlights and lowlights. As they showed Sapp give and take some wicked beatings, the voiceover noted his new-found fame. But it went on to say that, if he can't continue to win, it will be meaningless. It was meant to build up some drama. But Filipovic came out and put an exclamation point on that statement by busting the big man's eye socket and TKO'ing him in the in the first round.
So the big question is, how long will it last? Will Sapp be able to avange his loss to Filipovic and keep winning? If he can he will be able to maintain his superstar status in Japan and maybe make it big in other countries as well. But if he has a few more losses that make him look less like a beast and more like a fish out of water, his popularity may plummet."

" It definitely takes away from some of it. Hollywood has now got a sniff of the Beast and I will start to do some movies as well."


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sog. fajny artykul.

Trzymaj gardę
mam dla Ciebie pogardę
Twoje dragi twarde
nasze słowa twarde
zobaczymy co jest więcej warte
zapewniam Cie
Twoje szanse marne [Ascetoholix]
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Logiczne japońce jako małe ludziki strasznie uwielbiają dużych ludzi - patrz jakimi bohaterami są u nich sumotecy a Sapp jak ulał pasuje do tego grona.

A świstak siedzi ... bo sreberka były kradzione
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Podejrzewam że gdyby Grego Kovac zajał sie K1
to do piero by byli w szoku. 180kg urzeźbionej masy a nie 160 kg otłuszczonego ciała jak u Sappa

siła w naturze....

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podejrzewam, że byliby w niezłym szoku, a on chyba w jeszcze większym po pierwszej walce w której dostałby KO od sporo mniejszego zawodnika

skumulowałem w sobie całą energię i zaj***** mu z całej siły

bramkarz jednej z łódzkich dyskotek

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