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IPF CLASSIC “unequipped" WORLD CUP 2012

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Personal Attire
Costume (non-supportive)
A leotard type once piece full length lifting costume (as pictured) must be worn. It
must be single ply, of stretch material, and form fitting without any looseness when
worn by the lifter. The straps must be worn over the shoulders at all times while
lifting in competition.
(a) It may be of any colour or colours.
(b) It may bear the badge, emblem, logo and/or inscription of the lifter’s National
Association or sponsor, (refer to Sponsor’s Logos IPF Technical Rules) and
the name of the lifter.
(c) It may have a double thickness of the same material 12 cm’s x 24 cm’s in the
area of the crotch.
(d) The length of leg must be a minimum of 3 cm’s and a maximum of 25 cm’s
measured from the top of the crotch.
(e) Any doctoring or manipulation of the costume from that as designed by the
manufacturer will render it illegal for use in competition. The costume should
be purchased as it is to be worn.
A standard/regular cotton or polyester or mixture of cotton and polyester (as pictured)
must be worn under the lifting suit during the performance of the squat and bench
press, but is optional for men in the dead lift. Women must wear a T-Shirt while
competing in all three disciplines.
(a) It may be of any colour or colours, and may be the official T-Shirt of the
contest in which the lifter is competing.
(b) It may bear the badge or inscription of the lifter’s Nation, National or Regional
Federation, or Sponsor. (Refer to Sponsor’s Logos IPF Technical Rules)
(c) It shall not have sleeves, which terminate either below the elbow or at the
deltoid. Lifters may not push or roll the sleeves up to the deltoid when
competing in IPF Competition. T-Shirts must not be worn inside out.
A standard commercial “athletic Supporter" or standard commercial briefs (not boxer
shorts) of any mixture of cotton, nylon or polyester must be worn under the lifting suit.
Women may also wear a commercial or sports bra.
Any supportive under garment is not legal for use in IPF Competition.
Socks may be worn
(a) They be of any colour or colours and may have manufacturers logos.
(b) They shall not be of such length on the leg that they come into contact with the
kneecap supporter if worn.
(c) Full length leg stockings, tights or hose are strictly forbidden. Shin length
Socks must be worn to cover and protect the shins while performing the dead
(d) Light protective guards between sock and shin may be worn.
Competitors may wear a belt. If worn it shall be on the outside of the lifting suit.
(a) It shall be made of leather, vinyl or other similar non-stretch material in one or
more laminations, which may be glued and/or stitched together.
(b) It shall not have additional padding, bracing or supports of any material either
on the surface or concealed within the laminations of the belt.
(c) The belt may have a buckle attached by means of studs or stitching. The
buckle may have one or two prongs. It may also be lever type.
(d) A tongue loop shall be attached close to the buckle by means of studs or
(e) The name of the lifter, the lifter’s Nation, State or Club may appear on the
outside of the belt.
1. Width of belt maximum 10 cm’s.
2. Thickness of belt maximum 13 mm.
3. Inside width of buckle maximum 11 cm’s.
4. Outside width of buckle maximum 13 cm’s.
5. Tongue loop maximum width 5 cm’s.
6. Distance between end of belt and far end of tongue loop maximum 25 cm’s.
Shoes or boots shall be worn.
(a) Shoes or boots shall be taken to include only sports shoes, sports boots -
Weightlifting, Power lifting boots or Dead lift slippers. All referring to indoor
sports only.
(b) The underside must be flat i.e. no projections, irregularities, or a doctoring
from the standard design and no part of the underside higher than 5 cm’s.
(c) Loose inner soles that are not part of the manufactured shoe shall be limited
to 1 cm thickness.
1. Wrist wraps as featured on the IPF Approved list may be worn.
2. Standard commercial sweatbands may be worn, not exceeding 12 cm’s in
width. A combination of wrist wraps and sweatbands is not allowed.
3. A wrist covering shall not extend beyond 10 cm’s above and 2 cm’s below the
centre of the wrist joint, and shall not exceed a width of 12 cm’s.
Commercial knee sleeves as designed for medical/surgical or sports use and
constructed of neoprene (no other form of rubber or similar material is acceptable)
with an optional covering of cotton, polyester or medical crepe may be worn.
Alternatively an elasticised traditional kneecap supporter may be worn. A
combination of the two is forbidden.
(a) Knee sleeves must be “slip on" and not contain any form of tightening e.g.
straps/draw strings/velcro tabs and the likes.
(b) Maximum length 30 cm’s maximum thickness 7 mm’s.
(c) Must not extend more than 15 cm’s above or 15 cm’s below the centre of the
knee joint.
(d) Shall not be in contact with socks or lifting suit.
Two layers of medical tape may be worn around the thumbs.
Inspection of Personal Equipment
There will be no pre-contest inspection, but the Technical Controller will carefully
scrutinise each of the lifter’s apparel before they appear on platform.
If a lifter is found to be wearing or using an item contrary to the rules it could result in
All items worn must be clean and not ripped or torn.
Items such as watches, jewellery and mouthpieces may be worn.
The rules will be strictly enforced.

wiecej info pod adresem:
http://www.powerlifting-ipf.com/fileadm ... -Rules.pdf
Ekspert SFD
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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 14 Napisanych postów 958 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17700
Ciekawe jakie wyniki padną.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1489 Wiek 32 lat Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 13806
super,czekałem bardzo długo na te informacje ;)
Ciekawe ile osób startujących na co dzień w osprzęcie przejdzie na RAW.

09.12 - 11.12.2011,Puławy,Mistrzostwa Polski Seniorów, Juniorów do lat 18, 20, 23 w Trójboju Siłowym Klasycznym - jak widać RAW przeznaczone głównie dla młodzieży.
W "world cupie" również tak jest?

Mam nadzieje,że RAW już nigdy nie zniknie z IPF'u,bo to RAW jest esencją trójboju ;)

dla ciekawych rekordów RAW:

tu również Polska

dobra,żeby nie było,że tak się zachwycam:
A teraz-jak to bywa w IPF'ie,acz nie tylko- kilka idiotyzmów,nie mających wpływu na wyniki a ograniczające zawodników:
"A tongue loop shall be attached close to the buckle by means of studs or
nie można zrobić takiego "dziubka",który wchodzi między nogi gdy siadamy,czy ciągniemy i nie zaczepia się o nogę...idiotyzm

"Shoes or boots shall be worn"
a jak mam chętkę na bosaka? to przecież RAW...dobrze,że zawsze można baletki założyć,choć i tak... idiotyzm

"A standard/regular cotton or polyester or mixture of cotton and polyester (as pictured)
must be worn under the lifting suit during the performance of the squat and bench
press, but is optional for men in the dead lift. Women must wear a T-Shirt while
competing in all three disciplines. "
nic tak nie trzyma w siadzie jak połączenie grubego radełkowania i odsłoniętych barków ;)... idiotyzm

Zmieniony przez - Autopsy w dniu 2011-05-17 23:12:59

mój DT->http://www.sfd.pl/Autopsy_Exercises_in_Extremity/cel_600kg_w_TS-t681885-s6699.html#eot

Powerlifting is an external view of how pissed off I really am at the world- Kirk Karwoski

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 28 Napisanych postów 9543 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 61854
Stanaszek, gdyby był wiązany, to byłby zabandażowany od kostek po biodra

Co do "idiotyzmów" to koszulka w siadzie i w wyciskaniu jest potrzebna ze względów higienicznych, żebyś potem nie rzucał się, że złapałeś HIVA po koledze z pomostu. Z resztą z tego samego względu są długie skarpety do ciągów.
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