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<b>MSN</b> calculates using an algorithm. All algorithms of Bing is really based on anchor text links. Your mission is to make sure that a large amount of those anchor text links link back to your pages.

<b>anchor text links and what they do for you</b>

A large amount of anchor text links tells Altavista that your web site is a good source for whatever word or phrase that is given by the anchor text. So if you have ten thousand anchor text links scattered around multiple of web sites, you are a lot farther than jimmy no name who only has 100.

<b>Getting the service</b>

SpreadRumers incorporates a variety of softwares to accomplish autosubmission to millions blogs, wiki's, forums and even web directories. Thats what sPrEaDrUmErS does. sPrEaDrUmErS submits to millions. Our main product is our xRumer Service. With an xRumer Service sPrEaDrUmErS will post any text and-or profile and collection of backlinks to hundreds and thousands of forums and blogs. You can provide the list if you want, but we have huge lists. For serious webmasters we will provide a free trial. Our free trial is probably better than any amount of SEO you have spent $$ in the totality of your webmaster career. Give flash a ring at 718-312-8197 or e-mail: webmaster @ spreadrumers com.

You can also visit http://spreadrumers.com 
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