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Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
"Proponents of "spot reduction" presume that exercising a specific body part, such as the abdomen, causes the involved muscles to use local fat for energy. It's a nice idea, but scientifically unsound. The site from which fat initially is "burned," or metabolized, actually depends on the body's built-in, unalterable method of burning fat in response to exercise.

The lipids (fat) stored in adipose cells around your waist and elsewhere must be converted to fatty acids to be burned as fuel. Hormones and enzymes secreted during exercise trigger lipids to leave adipose tissue and enter tiny capillaries for transport to the liver, where they are converted to fatty acids and used by working muscles as fuel.

Unfortunately, the fat-mobilization process operates in reverse order from the process by which fat is stored--that is, the places that have accumulated fat the longest (e.g., abdomen, hips, buttocks, and thighs) are the places from which you lose fat last.

While an increase in capillary density can lead to better fat mobilization, it does not produce direct spot reduction. Competitive bodybuilders who desire extremely low body fat levels may train certain body parts with very high-repetition exercises, because the resulting capillary increase helps mobilize more stored fat from around the target muscle group. This gives the appearance of spot reduction, but a competition-ready bodybuilder already has burned through other fat storehouses and is simply targeting the most stubborn areas in the most efficient manner.

Any exercise that lasts more than 20 minutes will begin the lipid mobilization process, which continues even after the exercise is completed. So don't stop exercising--but don't expect hundreds of crunches to trim away the paunch any better than a brisk 30-minute walk.

Czyli z tego wynika ze jesli juz juestesmy w miare odchudzeni to ćwiczenie z duza iloscia powtorzen moze przynosic rezultat "odchudzania" danej gruby miesniowej i czesci ciała.W innym wypadku jak na razie info jest na "NIE"

Ps. Szukam dalej heh

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