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Androsterone a libido

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Poziom regeneracji serotoniny, uwarunkowania psychiczne, albo przyspieszony wytrysk (duzo i czesto Wybierz swoja opcje
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DA - dopamina
5-HT - serotonina

Wnioski z paru materialow naukowych:

1# "Finally, while DA is facilitative to copulation, 5-HT is generally inhibitory. 5-HT is released in the LHA, but not in the MPOA, at the time of ejaculation. Increasing 5-HT in the LHA by microinjection of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) increased the latency to begin copulating and also the latency to the first ejaculation, measured from the time the male first intromitted. These data may at least partially explain the decrease in libido and the anorgasmia of people taking SSRI antidepressants. One means by which LHA 5-HT decreases sexual motivation (i.e. increases the latency to begin copulating) may be by decreasing DA release in the NAcc, a major terminal of the mesolimbic system." [Hull, Lorrain, Du, et al., Behav Brain Res 1999]

Interpretacja: poziom serotoniny jest wprost proporcjonalny do czasu do pierwszego wytrysku i opoznienia miedzy kolejnymi; poziom dopaminy odwrotnie proporcjonalny

2# "There is some evidence in the clinical literature for an association between
serotonergic function and male potentia. A large percentage of males suffer from
sexual dysfunction, which is often comorbid with disorders of mood and is affected by
psychotropic medications including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
(Rosen et al., 1999). SSRIs are commonly associated with delayed ejaculation and
absent or delayed orgasm, while a specific association with libido (i.e. sexual
motivation) has not been consistently demonstrated. Furthermore, other studies have
shown SSRIs to have a positive impact on men suffering from premature ejaculation
(Althof et al., 1994)." ["Sex steroids, Serotonin and the Successful Male" Barrett et al. 2005]

Interpretacja: srodki SSRI (selektywne inhibitory wychwytu zwrotnego serotoniny) [uzywane m.in. jako antydepresanty; zwiekszaja poziom serotoniny w ustroju] sa czesto kojarzone z opoznionym wytryskiem oraz brakiem lub opoznionym orgazmem. Wplyw na libido (motywacje seksualna) nie zostal jeszcze scisle zademonstrowany. SSRI sa pomocne w przypadku mezczyzn z przedwczsnym wytryskiem.

#3 "Dopamine is generally facilitative to male sexual
behavior however 5-HT is regarded as inhibitory.
Antidepressants of the selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor class (SSRIs, including Prozac and Zoloft)
impair ejaculatory/orgasmic function and frequently
inhibit erectile function and sexual interest as well
[135,136].Microinjection of large doses of 5-HT into
the MPOA impaired male sexual behavior in rats
[137,138].Conversely, decreases in serotonergic activity,
due either to lesions of cell bodies in the raphe nuclei
[139–141] or to synthesis inhibition [142,143],facilitated
male copulatory behavior" [Dopamine and serotonin: influences on male sexual behavior - Hull, Muschamp, Sato 2004]

Interpretacja: dopamina wspomaga meskie zachowanie seksualne; serotonina tlumi je; antydepresanty (SSRI) uposledzaja wytrysk/orgazm i czesto hamuje wzwod oraz zainteresowanie seksualne

Jak widac sam odpowiedzialem sobie na swoje pytanie. Jak znajde jeszcze cos ciekawego to wam podrzuce. Pozdrawiam

Zmieniony przez - PrzemekWS w dniu 2010-08-22 14:59:08
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Szacuny 56 Napisanych postów 6275 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 37332
Troche plytka ta interpretacja Poziom serotoniny jest odpowiedzialny rowniez za dlugosc stosunku i plynaca z niego satysfacje, wlasnie ssri probowano leczyc przedwczesny wytryst. Ja dziala dopamina latwo zauwazyc, bo podnosi ja chocby amfetamina, czy kokaina albo mdma - w ten wlasnie sposob srodki te pobudzaja funkcje seksualne, ale sprobuj poruchac po koce - plytko, bez wiekszego czucia, aby "dojechac" do konca - tego wlasnie chcesz?
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