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Testosteron działa - czyli wyniki badań dla ciekawych

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faftaq Dietetyk-SFD
Szacuny 1419 Napisanych postów 35562 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 150829
Wiem, że ameryki nie odkrywam w tym temacie, ale z drugiej strony badań w których sprawdza się anaboliczne działanie SAA na sportowcach - jest niewiele w sieci, a próby prowadzone na muszkach owocówkach, jesiotrach i królikach wielkanocnych mało kogo interesują. Podstarzali impotenci i kastraci również nie są docelowo najszczęśliwszą wykładnią. W medycynie jednak temu o zgrozo SAA czesto służą, by marnotrawić ich anaboliczny potencjał na modelach zwierzęcych i schorowanych staruszkach. Stąd też skoro już wpadłem na trop, postanowiłem się podzielić. Może komus się spodoba.

Badanie pierwsze (podwójna slepa próba) : testosteron działa nawet brany krótko. Dawka 3,5mg enatka na kg masy ciała raz w na 7 dni, w sześciotygodniowy cyklu treningowym. Pomiarów (jednego powtórzenia maksymalnego i szybkośc 10-sekundowego sprintu), dokonano w 0, 3 i 6 tygodniu testu. Wyniki: możliwosci wysiłkowe grupy przyjmującej testosteron (siła 1RM i sprint) wzosły istotnie, grupy placebo - bez istotnych zmian.

The effect of short-term use of testosterone enanthate on muscular strength and power in healthy young men.
Rogerson S, Weatherby RP, Deakin GB, Meir RA, Coutts RA, Zhou S, Marshall-Gradisnik SM.

School of Exercise and Sport Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, New Wales, Australia. [email protected]
Use of testosterone enanthate has been shown to significantly increase strength within 6-12 weeks of administration (2, 9), however, it is unclear if the ergogenic benefits are evident in less than 6 weeks. Testosterone enanthate is classified as a prohibited substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and its use may be detected by way of the urinary testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratio (16). The two objectives of this study were to establish (a) if injection of 3.5 mg.kg(-1) testosterone enanthate once per week could increase muscular strength and cycle sprint performance in 3-6 weeks; and (b) if the WADA-imposed urinary T/E ratio of 4:1 could identify all subjects being administered 3.5 mg.kg(-1) testosterone enanthate. Sixteen healthy young men were match-paired and were assigned randomly in a double-blind manner to either a testosterone enanthate or a placebo group. All subjects performed a structured heavy resistance training program while receiving either testosterone enanthate (3.5 mg.kg(-1)) or saline injections once weekly for 6 weeks. One repetition maximum (1RM) strength measures and 10-second cycle sprint performance were monitored at the pre (week 0), mid (week 3), and post (week 6) time points. Body mass and the urinary T/E ratio were measured at the pre (week 0) and post (week 6) time points. When compared with baseline (pre), 1RM bench press strength and total work during the cycle sprint increased significantly at week 3 (p < 0.01) and week 6 (p < 0.01) in the testosterone enanthate group, but not in the placebo group. Body mass at week 6 was significantly greater than at baseline in the testosterone enanthate group (p < 0.01), but not in the placebo group. Despite the clear ergogenic effects of testosterone enanthate in as little as 3 weeks, 4 of the 9 subjects in the testosterone enanthate group ( approximately 44%) did not test positive to testosterone under current WADA urinary T/E ratio criteria.

Badanie drugie, juz bardziej konretne, gdzie 21 osob podzielono na dwie grupy, pierwsza - enan w ilosci 3,5mg na kg masy ciała, druga - wy***ka (sól fizjologiczna) w dawce j/w. Badanie trwało 12 tygodni, uczestnicy zostali poddani treningowi siłowemu. Wyniki: grupa SAA zanotowała wyrazny wzrost siły i obwodów (ramie, udo), przy zmniejszeniu się ilosci tłuszczu podskórnego (pomiar fałdy brzucha). Jeśli chodzi o skutki zdrowotne, to nie obyło się bez pewnych zaburzeń, jak np wzrost cisnienia tetniczego srednio o 10 mm Hg w grupie koksów, zwiekszone ryzyko utraty włosów, zwiekszona sztywnośc mięsni, lekki wzrost libido w pierwszych dówch tygodniach, lekki trądzik i zaburzenia nastroju.

J Sci Med Sport. 1999 Dec;2(4):341-55.
Muscular strength, body composition and health responses to the use of testosterone enanthate: a double blind study.
Giorgi A, Weatherby RP, Murphy PW.

School of Exercise Science and Sports Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia.
To determine the effect the steroid, testosterone enanthate (TE) had on upper body strength, body composition and health. Twenty one male weight training subjects were randomly assigned in a double blind method to either a 3.5 mg(-1) x kg(-1) TE (n=11) or placebo (n=10) weight training group. The subjects were monitored during a 12 week administration phase and a subsequent 12 week follow up phase. Subjects were tested on a number of strength and size measurements, whilst having their health monitored. The results from the study revealed that the testosterone/weight training group improved significantly (p<0.05) more than the placebo/weight training group during and immediately after the administration phase on a 1 repetition maximum bench press. With regards to body composition, body weight, arm girth and rectus femoris circumference all increased significantly greater in the TE group compared to the placebo. Furthermore, the abdomen skinfold showed significant decreases in the TE group compared to the placebo group at post testing, follow up mid testing and the follow up post testing occasions. With the exception of the abdomen skinfold no within or between group differences were evident following a cycling off period of 12 weeks. Changes to baseline health indicators were reported in some subjects following testosterone usage. This included an average elevation in systolic blood pressure in all TE subjects by 10 mm Hg, a mild increase in hereditary frontal alopecia, increased muscle tightness (hamstrings and pectorals), a mild increase in libido over the first two weeks with a subsequent fall to normal, mild acne, subjective changes to personality including an increase in aggression, irritability and positive mood responses. Consequently, moderate doses of TE combined with weight training can result in short term significant changes in upper body strength and body composition, with corresponding changes to baseline health in some individuals.

Więc jeśli ktoś Wam kiedyś będzie wciskał że dodatkowy centymetr w bicepsie po cyklu na enanie to efekt placebo, będziecie mieli naukowo potwierdzoną podkładkę że jest w błędzie

Zmieniony przez - faftaq w dniu 2010-08-18 00:36:18
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Zgłoś naruszenie
faftaq Dietetyk-SFD
Szacuny 1419 Napisanych postów 35562 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 150829
Dla zainteresowanych fizjologią i biochemią, relacją testosteron - leptyna, podsyłam badania:

Effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid use or gonadal testosterone suppression on serum leptin concentration in men.
Hislop MS, Ratanjee BD, Soule SG, Marais AD.

Lipid Laboratory, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Cape Town Medical School, Anzio Road, Observatory, 7925, South Africa.
OBJECTIVE: Serum leptin concentration shows a sexual dimorphism that is not accounted for by gender differences in adiposity. A strong inverse association exists between serum leptin and testosterone concentrations in men, pointing to a likely influence of gonadal sex steroids on serum leptin concentration. The aim of this study was to investigate whether manipulation of sex steroid hormones in men would alter serum leptin concentration independently of changes in fat mass.

DESIGN AND METHODS: The effects of sex steroid suppression on serum leptin concentration were investigated in nine healthy men in whom testosterone had been reversibly suppressed for 5 weeks after treatment with intramuscular triptorelin. The effects of sex steroid supplementation were investigated in nine male bodybuilders who self-administered anabolic--androgenic steroids (AAS) for a mean period of 6.5 weeks. A control group received no hormonal treatment.

RESULTS: Testosterone concentration was significantly reduced by triptorelin administration (7.32+/- 1.92ng/ml at baseline compared with 1.15+/-0.57ng/ml at 5 weeks, P=0.002). High-dose AAS use was confirmed by urine analysis. Body fat percentage was unaffected by the AAS or triptorelin intervention (P>0.19). Leptin concentration was significantly reduced after one cycle of AAS use (2.40+/-0. 98ng/ml off cycle compared with 1.63+/-0.37ng/ml on cycle, P=0.012), and was significantly increased by triptorelin administration (2. 96+/-1.50ng/ml at baseline compared with 6.63+/-4.67ng/ml at five weeks, P=0.004). No significant change occurred in the control group.

CONCLUSION: Androgenic sex hormone supplementation decreases serum leptin concentration, whereas suppression increases serum leptin concentration, independently of changes in body fat mass in healthy men. The sexual dimorphism evident in serum leptin concentration is likely to be due to a suppressive effect of testosterone on serum leptin concentration in males.
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