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serms s-4 , super rozwiazanie miedzy cyklami

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chodzac po zagraniczych forach coraz czesciej rzuca mi sie w oczy ten srodek , niby rozumiem co tam pisza ale tak naprawde nic nieczaje , http://.com/sarms jesli byl by ktos sklonny przeczytac tym i przetlumaczyc na ludzki co to takiego te serms s-4 bede wdzieczny , i mam nadzieje ze nie smiece

Zmieniony przez - lodzianin1 w dniu 2010-07-10 13:33:12

Zmieniony przez - lodzianin1 w dniu 2010-07-10 13:33:35
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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SARMS S-4 is the latest addition to the anabolic steroid using bodybuilder's arsenal and it’s creating a storm of controversy. It may very well be most significant advancement in muscle development since the invention of Dianabol back in 1956. A bold statement for sure. But SARMS S-4 is truly an incredible compound with many applications, most significantly, as a viable anabolic enhancement to be used in-between steroid cycles which is also known as bridging (1).

SARMS S-4 is not a steroid. It is the veritable "next step" beyond steroids. It’s a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, which essentially means it targets your androgen receptors in a way where they’re most beneficial for building muscle while avoiding the nasty side effects that go along with traditional androgenic steroids (2).

Due to that elusive combination of good without the bad, SARMS S-4 has been hailed as the "Holy Grail of Muscle Growth." It’s what all athletes have been waiting and wishing for. Think of it as pizza without calories, alcohol without the hangover and safe sex without condoms. Is that possible? Yes it is. But there are limitations. (Damn!) But rest assured, they’re minor. There is a catch - there always is. But in the case of SARMS S-4, the catch isn’t that bad.

For one thing, SARMS S-4 will not work like mega doses of steroids. You would not be able to take huge dosages in order to gain massive size on the order of a gram of testosterone. Its benefits work within a specific dosage range (3). In that regard, SARMS S-4 is unique. A good comparison would be to aspirin, which will always lower a temperature from a fever, but no lower than 98.6. However, MORE aspirin will not improve the condition. There’s that "sweet spot" where it works its magic with virtually no risk. SARMS S-4 is like that. In controlled dosages, it’s a non toxic, non testosterone suppressive compound that works like steroids, but without the side effects(4). But beyond a certain dosage, it does not work much better. It has a sort of "built in safety net." Using 50ml a day is an effective dosage with 100mls a day being the cut-off point to avoid any negative side effects.

The potential and the possibilities are as compelling as they are enticing, but one area where SARMS S-4 is becoming increasingly popular is in the area of "bridging."

A "bridge" is essentially a description for using any compound that will maintain the gains of your last steroid cycle until you decide to start your next cycle, however many months later. How to best bridge has been a controversial topic for some time. In the past, bodybuilders have attempted to sustain the effects of a steroid cycle by using a milder , less suppressive steroid (such as Primobolin) in-between cycles.

Another method of attempting a "bridge" was to use a short acting oral in the morning so that it would not be active past a four hour window. In this way, at least theoretically, you could recover over-night, resulting in your body managing to restore its natural hormonal balance. Unfortunately, neither game plan was especially successful for even a low dose of any steroid will cause suppression of your natural testosterone production and hinder recovery.

That's where SARMS S-4 fits in... Remember, SARMS S-4 is not a steroid. It works on an entirely different principle - that of being "selective" to muscle. And at 50 mls a day it has’s been shown to have no suppressive effects. (Unless dosing exceeds several months)(5). This makes SARMS S-4 the perfect choice to be used in-between cycles. You won’t make massive gains while on but you’ll hold onto your gains and still be in an "enhanced" state without fear of suppression. Not a bad deal.

It would make far more sense to "bridge" using SARMS S-4 on its own, or with natural supplements in order for the body to maintain ultimate anabolism without suppression. As much as using a less suppressive steroid may seem to make sense, ANY steroid even in low dosages will suppress, delay recovery, and ultimately work against the process of recovering from a cycle. It will also minimize the results of the NEXT cycle since the receptors would not have had a chance to replenish(6) This is what makes SARMS S-4 superior for this purpose.

Another similar method that’s becoming popular is to use SARMS S-4 as a "mini-cycle" in-between steroid cycles. In other words, once you finish your course of steroids and do a proper PCT and settle into being "natural", after a while you can use SARMS S-4 daily for a 4 week run. In this way you can bump up gains, increase muscle density, improve lifts and burn fat - all without deregulating androgen receptors or compromising the HPTA. (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis)(7). Never before has this been possible.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 78 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5227
Jakis czas temu troche o tym wygrzebalem w sieci , i to wcale nie jest taki cudowny
srodek jak go opisuja w tej broszurce .
Ludzie pisali o bardzo uciazliwych skutkach ubocznych jak problem ze wzrokiem i lzawienie ale dla wiekszosci to przechodzilo po zmniejszeniu dawki .
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 78 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5227
polecam sprawdzic forum na s..t..e..r..o..i..d..o..l.o.g.y.
tam sa relacje z cykli na tym.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 1289 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 10818
dzieki zajrze , ktos potrafi w kilku zdaniach strescic co to za srodek na jakie ma dzialanie , myslalem ze to jakies , piekne nieskodliwe cudo ktore bedzie potrafilo zminimalizowac spadki
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 78 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5227
w twoim tekscie pisza ze to najwieksze odkrycie od czasow dianabolu (mety).
Ten srodek nie zalicza sie do grupy steroidow , jest to modulator receptorow androgennych czyli w teorii powinien byc super . Niestety nie dziala jak sterydy tzn.
nie uzyskasz wiekszych przyrostow zwiekszajac dawke .
Przyjeta ilosc to 50mg/day ,podobno uzyte jako mostek nie tylko zachamuje spatki ale i
zanotujesz przyrosty . S4 nie blokuje tak jak klasyki czyli na tym prawdopodobnie mozna caly rok jechac .
nie zapomnij ze to cudo w dalszym ciagu jest w fazie testow i zycze zdrowia
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