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słyszał ktos cokolwiek w tej sprawie? W UK można dostac nowego noxa

Please note this is excatly the same formula as the Dorian Yates Nox, which has now been re-branded to Ultralife as they own the formula.

Nox Pump Formula is scientifically engineered to be the ideal pre-workout, muscle-expanding energy drink. It contains an advanced matrix of leading edge sports nutrients, including Nitric Oxide boosters, creatine, amino acids, phosphates, vitamins, herbal extracts and complex sugars for explosive workout pumps, increased energy, increased stamina and increased strength. With it's scientifically proven ingredients, liquid delivery system and patented absorption enhancer, this is without a doubt the most advanced and effective product of its kind.

Scientifically proven ingredients - Feel the difference!

Potent Nitric Oxide (NO) boosters, such as L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) and Citrulline Malate. The NO boosting power of these specific amino acids is heavily dependent upon their bonded ratios. The materials used in this product have been manufactured to Dorian Yates exact requirements and comprise the precise bonded ratios proven by science to promote an increase in NO production over and above the standard bonded versions used in many other products.

Kre-Alkalyn (Buffered Creatine) is a revolutionary, patented form of creatine that, unlike all other forms, does not convert into the useless, toxic by-product creatinine. It therefore reaches your muscles completely intact and provides all of the benefits of creatine (enhanced strength, endurance, and athletic performance) without the negative side effects typically associated with creatine use. This means no water retention, no stomach discomfort and no loading, just maximum results.

GlycoCarn (Glycine Propionyl-L-Carnitine). This patented propionyl ester of L-Carnitine exhibits a superior affinity for muscle tissue compared with other forms of carnitine; it provides powerful support to arterial blood flow and assists energy production by facilitating the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria (the power source for your cells). GlycoCarn contributes to muscle function by compensating for reduced oxygen availability during exercise, as well as promoting proper carbohydrate metabolism and limits the build up of lactic acid. (Lactic acid heavily contributes to muscle fatigue, pain and delayed onset muscle soreness).

N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine and L-Phenylalanine promote healthy levels of the key energizing and mood-enhancing neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. The acetylated derivative of the essential amino acid L-tyrosine is more stable and is utilized by the body better than ordinary tyrosine.

Guarana for increased energy, stamina, strength and exercise performance. Chocamine is a proprietary, patent pending cocoa extract that provides all the health benefits of chocolate without the unhealthy ingredients such as sugar and fat. Chocamine contains a unique synergistic blend of natural thermogenic and energizing compounds, which promote lipolysis (fat loss), increase energy, improve exercise performance and enhance the building of lean muscle mass. Huperzia Serrata for improved concentration, mood and energy by supporting healthy acetylcholine levels in the brain. Geranium Root to support healthy lung function and oxygen capacity during exercise. Grape Seed Extract (ActiVin) to promote healthy circulation and cellular function, as well as provide antioxidant support to the body.

Low Glycaemic Index Complex Sugars (Ribose, Trehalose, Fructose) for sustained energy release without the risk of converting to body fat, spiking blood sugar levels, or unbalancing insulin levels, as occurs with high glycaemic index sugars. Trehalose is a complex sugar comprising bonded glucose molecules and provides a low glycaemic index, time-release source of glucose to the body to replenish glycogen levels.

Vinpocetine, Vincamine and Vinburnine are naturally occurring phytonutrients with energizing and nootropic (brain stimulating) properties. Vinpocetine and Vincamine are cerebral vasodilators that enhance mental alertness and improve glucose and oxygen utlization by the body and brain. Vinburnine enhances the function of glucose within your muscles and increases oxygen release from red blood cells.

Phosphates to support optimum cardiac output and oxygen supply during exercise. Bioactive vitamins, in naturally occurring food forms, for effective nutrient replenishment without the risk of toxicity associated with synthetic vitamins. Patented absorption enhancer (Bioperine from black pepper extract), clinically proven to increase the absorption of other nutrients by up to 60%.

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 1 sachet (11g)

Servings Per Container: 30

Amount Per Serving:

Total Calories: 49

Protein: 6g

Total Carbohydrates: 6g

-Sugars: 4g

Fat: 0.1g

-Saturates: 0g

Fibre: 0.5

Sodium: 0.1g

Vitamin C (as ESTER-C): 125mg

Vitamin B1 (as thiamin HCl): 12.5mg

Vitamin B3 (as niacin and niacinamide): 12.6mg

Vitamin B5 (as calcium d-pantothenate): 50mg

Vitamin B6 (with coenzyme B6): 4.8mg

Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin): 25 µg

Biotin: 75 µg

Ultimate Cell Volumizing Matrix: 2g

L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (2:1); Citrulline Malate (1:1); Kre-Alkalyn (Buffered Creatine); GlycoCarn (Glycine Propionyl L-Carnitine HCl); Taurine; Phosphates [Potassium Phosphate, Calcium Phosphate]; Trimethylglycine (TMG); Choline; N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine Ultimate Pro-Energy Matrix: 4.2g

Low Glycaemic Index Complex Sugars (Ribose, Trehalose, Fructose); Guarana Seed Extract (Caffeine); Glucuronolactone; Chocamine™ Theobroma Cacao Seed Extract (Theobromine, Caffeine, Theophylline, Phenylethylamine, Tyramine, Synephrine, Octopamine); White Willow Bark Extract (Salicin); ActiVin Grape Seed Extract (OPCs); Geranium Root Extract; Huperzia Serrata Extract (Huperzine A); Ginger Root Extract (Gingerols); Crioceras Longiflorus Extract (Vinpocetine); Vinca Minor L. Extract (Vincamine); Hunteria Eburnea P. Extract (Vinburnine)]

Patented Absorption Enhancher

BioperineBlack pepper extract: 1.25mg


cena :
£24.99 for 1 box
£39.99 for 2 boxes
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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TomQ-MAG Fizjoterapeuta Moderator
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nic tylko stestowac.

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moze wiecej szczegółów ktoś wie ? czy to wejdzie na pl rynek ?
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Ptaszki nic nie ćwierkają, aby miał być w Polskich kox shopach.
Wypróbować można, lecz prośmy Boga, aby nie powtórzyła się sytuacja, taka jaka miała miejsce z innymi wycofanymi produktami, w których było coś ponad stan/gratis.
A po zmianie składu produkty te nadawały/nadają się do spuszczenia w kiblu.

"That's not normal because we don't want to be normal.
Normality is what weak people call living. I call it death."

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