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Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 9317 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 45818
ale do kreatyny jak dosypie to na pewno nie zaszkodzi

chyba po treningu, bo z rana to NIE


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Szacuny 23 Napisanych postów 1886 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 16847
Do kreatynki to ewentualnie glukoza, jak popijacie bialkiem to zobaczcie czy nie zawiera laktozy. Latkoza moze zmienic ph
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 9317 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 45818
żadnych WW (glukozy,maltodekstryny itp) do kreatyny z rana się nie dodaje - koniec


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Szacuny 23 Napisanych postów 1886 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 16847
Dlaczego? zawsze myslalem ze cukry proste podbijaja poziom insuliny a wysoki pozim insuliny poprawia transport kreatyny....myle sie?

Zmieniony przez - iNightWolf w dniu 2008-10-07 11:13:21
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 33 Napisanych postów 9317 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 45818
jak chcesz się pozbyć trzustki to oddaj ją komuś...

czytaj cały temat


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 23 Napisanych postów 1886 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 16847
Glukoza w normalnych ilosciach nie zniszczy ci trzustki...ale nie istotne

Another advantage of adding glucose to your creatine is that it aids in the replenishment of your glycogen reserves following exercise. This effect arises from the ability of insulin’s to increase the number of glucose transporters (GLUT 4) expressed on the cell surface. GLUT 4 is the prin****l protein complex responsible for transporting glucose into the cell once stimulated by insulin. And, since exercise makes the cells of our body more sensitive to the effects of insulin, exercise likewise increases the expression of GLUT 4. On the other hand, inactivity, either by choice or because of injury, reduces GLUT 4 expression. Along these lines, a recent study has shown that creatine protects against the loss of GLUT 4 during limb immobilization and, furthermore, accentuates the increased expression of GLUT 4 during subsequent rehabilitation (8). Not surprisingly, the creatine and glucose treated subjects exhibited larger muscle glycogen (and creatine) reserves during rehabilitation. Finally, a new study just appeared indicating that protein exerts a similar effect on GLUT 4 expression, but without adversely affecting insulin-sensitivity (9). Specifically, this study compared the effects of creatine supplementation with glucose or glucose plus protein during the rehabilitation of a previously immobilized limb. The authors of this study found that retraining (6 weeks) a previously immobilized limb (2 weeks placed in a cast) in conjunction with a post-exercise creatine, protein and glucose meal increased GLUT 4 expression and muscle glycogen content to the same extent as a creatine and glucose meal. Most importantly, since the protein meal contained less than one third the amount of glucose (20 grams versus 70 grams!), insulin sensitivity was improved as a result. Furthermore, the effect on glycogen storage was specific for the exercised limb. That is, the un-exercised limb exhibited no change in GLUT 4 expression or muscle glycogen content. This result clearly indicates that simply upplementing with creatine, irrespective of the manner in which it is done, in the absence of exercise is a fruitless endeavor. The solution seems clear. Adding protein to your creatine and carbohydrate mix will promote muscle creatine uptake (and glycogen synthesis) WITHOUT adversely affecting the sensitivity of your cells to insulin.

wklejone z http://www.creatinemonohydrate.net/insulin.html

jak WYJATKOWO dbasz o trzustke to mieszaj bialko, kreatyne i weglowodany i masz podobny efekt
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 13 Napisanych postów 1863 Wiek 37 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15456
my się chyba nie rozumiemy
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Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 181 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1318
carbo pij jak najszybciej po treningu. dlatego by uzupełnic te weglowodany co straciłes na treningu.najlepiej mieszajac je z glutamina w szejkerze. to jest taka najwazniejsza czesc wegli kiedy trzeba je zapodac organizmowi. pozdro
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