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ECHA WIZYTY PUDZIANA W CHICAGO-artykuł z Chicago Tribune!

Witajcie ! Oto tekst jaki ukazał się w dzienniku "Chicago Tribune" po wizycie Mariusza Pudzianowskiego w Chicago. Tekst jest zamieszczony przez nas w oryginale. Ogłaszamy więc konkurs! Dla jednej osoby, która przetłumaczy tekst z "Chicago Tribune" jak najlepiej (naszym zdaniem) wyślemy super kalendarz z Mariuszem Pudzianowskim na 2008 r oczywiście z jego wizerunkiem i autografem!
Listy z tłumaczeniem prosimy kierować na: [email protected]
(nie zapomnijcie napisać danych i adresu zwrotnego oraz wieku!)

Na listy - maile czekamy do 20 stycznia 2008
czytaj dalej tekst...



City of big shoulders, biceps,

Patrick Kampert
December 23, 2007

Mariusz Pudzianowski didn't have to do any heavy lifting when he visited Whole Foods in Sauganash recently, except for the female store employee who jumped onto him as he was signing autographs.

But she probably didn't weigh much more than one of his biceps. The Polish weight lifter, 30, won the title of The World's Strongest Man this year, his fourth title in five years as the king of the guys who drag heavy machinery around on ESPN.

"I like Chicago every time of the day, but evenings in downtown and by the lake are the best," Pudzianowski, a part-time Chicago resident, said through a translator. "The city is so big but at the same time well organized and clean." Pudzianowski's English is improving -- besides his apartment here, he travels in the U.S. often.

On a typical day, he starts his routine with scrambled eggs and sandwiches made from Polish meats (he endorses Lowell Foods, a Polish firm whose products are carried by Whole Foods and ethnic grocery stores). He takes some supplements -- no steroids, he stresses to the Polish school groups he speaks to around the city -- and works out three or four hours a day at local gyms. He still does karate for flexibility as well.

"Everyone knows him in Poland," said Alicja Golba, 29, a Chicago photographer who moved to the U.S. a year ago and snapped some photos of her muscular fellow Pole for her personal collection. "We are proud of him. Because of him, Poland is more famous."

Even after attending an assembly with him at their school, Maggie Biedron and Olga Wroblewski, both 13, simply had to see their muscular hero one more time and literally were jumping for joy after making a fist and flexing their muscles in a photo with Pudzianowski. "I was screaming at my mom in the car, 'Come on, come on, we have to get there!'" Maggie said.

The key to the Strongest Man's success, he said, isn't in his legs or even the core of his body.

"The strength first comes from the mind," said Pudzianowski, who has been lifting under the training of his father, a former weight lifter, since he was 12. "You have to know that you are the strongest in the mind. And then in everything else, you have to be evenly strong."

Pudzianowski said he can't go anywhere in Poland without being recognized and added that his anonymity in the U.S. is starting, unfortunately, to vanish as well. But his appearance isn't always what people expect, he said.

"Quite often, people are surprised that I'm only 6 feet tall. Everybody expects me to be much taller. But the strength is not in the height. It's inside."

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Z niecierpliwością wyczekuję w tym dziale informacji o konkursie "Dlaczego kocham Pudziana" rozprawka albo pod tytułem "Wiedza o Strongman" i pytania typu jak znaleźć film na youtube i zdjęcie na google
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zrobione, wysłane :)

"These are the people who always know a guy who knew a guy, who took steroids and his head exploded."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 14 Napisanych postów 2058 Wiek 34 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 33403

"These are the people who always know a guy who knew a guy, who took steroids and his head exploded."

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