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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 57 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3002
Tim Persey vs Bo Cantrell KO (Punches) 1 1:33
Mike Pyle vs Ross Ebanez Submission (Rear Naked Choke) 1 1:55
Javier Vazquez vs Adriano Pereira Decision (Split) 3 5:00
James Edson Berto vs John Shackelford TKO (Punches) 2 2:27
Riki Fukuda vs Chris Gates Submission (Punches) 1 1:18
Charles Bennett vs Karl James Noons KO (Punch) 1 3:43
Gina Carano Julie vs Kedzie Decision (Unanimous) 3 3:00
Joey Villasenor vs David Loiseau Decision (Unanimous) 3 5:00
Antonio Silva vs Wesley Correira TKO (Strikes) 1 3:49
Renzo Gracie vs Frank Shamrock DQ (Knees to the Head on the Ground) 2 2:00
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Z tego co piszą na sherdogu, to Shamrock leżał na plecach, a Gracie trzymał go w pozycji bocznej. Shamrock przyłożył Graciemu dwa razy kolanami i ten był zamroczony. Graciemu dali pięć minut na dojście do sibie, ale po tym czasie Gracie dalej nie był w stanie kontynuować walki. Niektórzy mówią, że udawał.

Memento mori

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Trzeba zobaczyc.
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 384 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 19207
Bo Cantrell vs. Tim Persey
Round 1
The fighters trade wild punches with Cantrell getting the best of the exchange. Percy clinches with Cantrell against the cage. Percy lands a knee to the body. Percy unloads with a flurry of left and right hooks that knock out Cantrell. Percy wins by KO at 1:33 of the first.

Mike Pyle vs. Ross Ebanez
Round 1
Pyle attacking Ross Ebanez’s legs. Pyle gets a takedown after catching a Ebanez kick. Pyle takes his back and works for a rear naked choke. Ross defending well. Pyle sinks in the choke and forces a tap. Impressive victory for Pyle at 1:55 of the first frame.

Adriano Pereira vs. Javier Vazquez
Round 1
Vazquez lands a solid straight left. Pereira scores a takedown. Pereira stands up in the guard and attacks with punches. Both fighters back to their feet. Pereira faints and lands a right hook. Vazquez fires in a leg kick that find its target. Vazquez lunges in with a knee and avoids a takedown. Pereira rushes forward and lands 3 punches to his opponent's face. Pereira lands another solid punch before the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the close first round 10-9 for Pereira.

Round 2
Vazquez lands a solid body shot. Pereira scores with a punch that makes Vazquez grimace. Vazquez answers with a takedown. He stands up in guard and drops a hard punch down on his opponent's head. Vazquez working from half-guard and trying to pass. He moves to mount. Vazquez scores with elbows and punches. Pereira briefly got back to half-guard but Vazquez quickly advanced back to mount. Vazquez pounding away. One minute remains in the round. Referee Gary Ritter asks for more action. Vazquez drops down for a heel but Pereira escapes and takes the top position. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Vazquez.

Round 3
Vazquez opens up with his hands but nothing lands. Vazquez shoots in for a takedown but Pereira grabs the fence. Vazquez shoots in for another takedown but Pereira stuffs the attempt. Both fighters are fatigued. Vazquez lands a right counter. Vazquez lands another hard right hand. One minute remains in the bout. Pereira lands a punch and a knee. Pereira shoots and takes the fight to the canvas. Vazquez goes for an armbar but Pereira has none of it. Sherdog.com scores the close third round 10-9 for Vazquez.

Official score:
29-28 Vazquez
29-27 Pereira
29-28 Vazquez
Javier Vazquez gets the split decision nod.

John Shackelford vs. James Edson Berto
Round 1
Berto lands a hard low kick. Berto lands a right hand and stuffs a Shackleford takedown attempt. Berto lands a left hand and explodes into a flying knee but Shackleford catches it and takes Berto to the canvas. Berto sweeps and passes to side-control. Berto steps back to his feet and invites Shackleford to follow. Berto lands a left striaght to the face then the body. Shackleford feels it and shoots for another takedown. Berto sprawls and stops it. Berto fires in a low kick that lands. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Berto.

Round 2
Berto is cutting off the cage and throwing straight punches. Berto lands a left straight. Berto lands another left. Berto lands a crushing left kick to the body and a left hook to the chin that sends Shackleford to the canvas. Shackelford weathers the storm and looks for for a heel hook. Berto holds his position and drops punches down until the ref stops the fight. The crowd is not pleased but Shackleford stopped defending. Berto wins at 2:27 of the second round.

Chris Gates vs. Riki Fukuda
Round 1
Fukuda scores a takedown to start the action. Fukuda bombs away with a right hand and a series of lefts from Gates' guard that forces the referee to step in and show mercy. Riki Fukuda wins by TKO at 1:18 of the first stanza.

Karl James Noons vs. Charles Bennett

“Krazy Horse” talks on a cell phone while walking to the cage.

Round 1
Bennett refuses to touch hands with Noons. KJ lands a kick to the body. Bennett counters a kick with a right hand and lands a low kick of his own. Noons attacks Bennett’s legs. Bennett pieces together a crisp punch combo. Noons shakes Bennett’s frame with a lead right. Bennett lands a brutal right hook square on the chin that puts Noons out on the mat. Replays show that the knockout punch was a counter shot off a chin-grazing right hand from Noons. Bennett was hurt by the punch but landed his counter shot with much more power. Bennett wins by kockout at 3:43 of the first round.

Gina Carano vs. Julie Kedzie
Round 1
Kedzie lands a front kick. Kedzie shoots for a takedown but Carano stops it. Carano lands a knee to the stomach and avoids another takedown attempt. Kedzie shoots and pulls guard. Carano escapes guard and gets back to her feet. Carano lands a right had. And another. Carano lands a head kick and two right hands. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Carano.

Round 2
Carano lands a hard low kick. Kedzie scores a takedown but Carano scrambles to the top position. Kedzie using a body triangle from the bottom. Kedzie counters a head kick with a right hand. Carano answers with a right of her own. Carano is teeing off with kicks to the leg and punches to the head. Carano drops Kedzie with a hard right hand. Kedzie stands back to her feet. The tough as nails Kedzie scores a body lock takedown before the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Carano.

Round 3
Kedzie gets a takedown and moves to side-control. Carano gives up her back. The much-stronger Carano works back to her feet and out of the bad position. Carano throws a double jab and lands a right hand. Kedzie answers with a right of her own. Carano lands a knee and scores a takedown of her own from the Thai-clinch before the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Kedzie. This turned out to be a very exciting fight. The judges score the fight 29-28 x 2 and 30-27, all for Gina Carano.

Joey Villasenor vs. David Loiseau
Round 1
Villasenor gets a quick takedown. He moves to side-control. Villasenor is working elbows to Loiseau’s head. The Canadia works back to his feet. Villasenor slams Loiseau to the mat. Villasenor moves to Loiseau’s back and works knees to the shoulder. Villasenor now working from the crucifix position. Loiseau back to his feet. Again Villasenor takes the fight to the mat. Loiseau reverses and works from the top. Villasenor sinks in a deep armbar but “The Crow” escapes. First round is dominated by the American, 10-9.

Round 2
Loiseau tries to throw Villasenor but Joey takes the top position. Villasenor dropping elbows to the Canadian’s face from half-guard. Loiseau works back to full-guard. Referee Herb Dean stands up the fighters. Villasenor lands a right hand. Villasenor with a knee to the gut. Again Villasenor takes Loiseau down. Loiseau turtles up while Villasenor elbows the head. Loiseau works to his feet only to get ripped back to the ground. More elbows from the American. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Villasenor.

Round 3
Loiseau opens up with two wild kicks to start the third. Loiseau lands a left hand. Loiseau, hesitant in the first two rounds, now presses the pace. Villasenor lands a crushing body shot. Villaseor drops Loiseau with a right hand. Double jab from Villasenor. Villasenor rocks Loiseau with a right hook to the body. Right hook scores for Villasenor. Complete domination from Villasenor, 10-9 and 30-27 total on the Sherdog.com scorecard. The official judges agree. 30-27 x3.

Antonio Silva vs. Wesley Correira
Round 1
Silva lands a low kick and a jab before scoring a takedown. Silva drops right hands down on Cabbage’s face from half-guard. Both fighters are back to their feet. Silva lands an uppercut. Silva opens up a small cut over Correira’s right eye. The 300-lb. Silva lands a flying knee and a left hand that floors “Cabbage.” He pounces on his fallen opponent with punches until the referee stops the contest at 3:49 of the first round. Impressive victory for the Brazilian.

Frank Shamrock vs. Renzo Gracie

Renzo Gracie walks to the cage to the sounds of Evanescence's "Wake me up Inside." Frank Shamrock follows to Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.”

Round 1
Shamrock lands two kicks to the legs ad a right hand. Renzo clinches and works for the takedown. He gets Shamrock to the canvas. He quickly moves to sidemount. Gracie now has knee-on-belly. Gracie is setting up a armbar. The ref stands them up. Shamrock lands a knee to the body and a right hand. Gracie scores another takedown. Renzo works from the top position in half-guard. Gracie now in side mount. Gracie works some elbows before the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Gracie.

Round 2
Renzo shoots twice but Shamrock has none of it. Renzo on his third try takes the bout to the floor. Renzo is back in side-control but he offers no offense. Herb Dean takes a point from Shamrock for kneeing Renzo to the head from the bottom. Renzo is given 5-minutes to recover. The EMS crew put a neck brace on the stunned Gracie so the fight appears to be over. Replays show Shamrock lands 2 knees to the side of Renzo's head/neck area from the bottom of Gracie's side mount. He walks out of the cage under his own power. An official result is forthcoming. Frank Shamrock is disqualified at 2:00 of the second round.

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