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Kreatyna poprawia siłę w krótkotrwałych, wymagajacych maksymalnego wkładu energetycznego wysiłkach takich jak sprint na x metrów czy wycisk sztangi - natomiast wpływu na wytrzymałość nie ma żadnego.

A study of twelve regional class tri-athletes aged 22-27 years old conducted by Engelhardt et al., concluded creatine was effective in helping the athletes in events where sprints were required; however, it was also concluded creatine did not influence endurance events.6 Another study with a similar focus completed by the Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute in the Netherlands, also concluded an improvement in performance during repeated sprints while endurance performance was not affected.7 In
the study by Engelhardt et al., following creatine loading, peak power was increased in all twelve sprints studied compared to pre-supplementation values, having statistical significance in seven sprints (P<0.05, P=0.07).7 In the placebo group, peak power was significantly increased in only two sprints. This study also determined an increase in muscle free creatine, CrP, and total creatine content in the subjects who were given the supplement.7 The increase in CrP, from the supplement, is the most likely origin behind the increase in the peak power of the sprints.
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