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ErgoLean AMP - czy jest juz w Polsce?

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Jak w temacie. Jezeli wiecie cos na ten temat to prosze o namiary na sklep. Z góry dzieki

Zmieniony przez - mariovip w dniu 2006-06-20 13:36:10
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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zapytaj Czarnego
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już jest
właśnie wziełem 2 kapsy - sam na sobie musze stestować to cudo!


GG 1844256

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Cena mnie troche odstrasza
Ajak wypada w porównaniu z Thermonex z BSN


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Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
kilka recenzji:

"Wow, I must say this is one of the 1st products I've used in a while that I am purely in awe of! This stuff is wonderful! I take it right before I go to the gym and I just feel energized the whole time... It doesn't give me jitters or make my heart race either. I feel like I just want to keep lifting, and I am focused! Be careful not to take too much though, tolerance builds very quickly. I find that just taking the reccomended dosage (2 tabs) before a workout is all you need. I do notice if I take 2 tabs a day for 3 straight days, you don't feel quite the same energized feeling... So make sure on non-workout days you don't use it... I will be buying more!"

"Sorry I meant to say that AMP is a great study aid (although Spike is pretty good for this too).
Sorry I don't know how to edit my posts here yet (not sure if I can?).
So in closing:
AMP is a great product; at least on paper. It would be nice to see more published studies on it though. Its effects seem to last around 4 hours or sometimes a bit more. Compared to something like Spike it's more suited to workouts while Spike is more suited in my opinion to endurance events or manual labor jobs. It doesn't make you all spazzed out or high; it's a pretty clean burn. Also the price is exellent.
In the future I would like to try AMP when I'm tired and haven't had a good nights sleep to see how I respond. I'd also like to try it on just a normal non-workout day to see how I respond.
Other notes: This product can likely shoot up your blood pressure. My systolic was up to 138 once which is quite high for me. Granted there were other factors present in my system that could have increased it though so it's hard to say this with certainty.
Ergopharm is a great company with an excellent track record."

"This is a great product. For cost to results ratio, it rocks! I had such a "clean" high with fantastic focus. Felt really awake but leveled and just as perfect as I can feel while awake. I would imagine this to be extra helpful for college students who need to focus and study for long periods of time. Def prefer this over Stimulant X which also gave a bit of euphoria for a while but ended up with a nasty jittery crash. This stuff doesn't make me crash and I sleep great at night. HOO RAY FOR HIGH ENERGY HAPPY PILLS, WOOOOO HOOOO!!! If I need more of a kick, I stack this with JetFuel and SHAZAM!"

"Wow this stuff works wonderful, try stacking it with some F-Edra and your in for a hell of a workout, wohooo, yeah."

"Just wanted to give you all a follow up. My second workout on AMP was just as good as the first (consecutive days). Great energy for the entire workout. Also feeling the effects a couple hours after workout. So far a great product. I'm hearing to get best results use AMP on harder days, no more than 3-4 times a week."

"I usually don't like to write reviews but this was some good stuff. I almost felt too exhausted after work to go lift, but I popped two amps and in 30 minutes I was racing. I did my entire workout in 45 minutes (24 working sets) and could have done quite a bit more if it wasn't dynamic day. Anyway, one of the better stimulants I've used and I've used pretty much everything to date."

"Very, very effective. I use it twice a week (maximal effort upper and lower days) and that's it. Definitely makes me feel that every day a PR is going to be made."

GG 1844256

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1 osoba dostanie AMP na testy, w przyszlym miesiacu..

GG 1844256

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Czarny daj znac jak sam przetestujesz, jakie odczucia i dzialanie
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mam ci nagrać na video jak nogi mi się machają?

GG 1844256

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wole na dvd
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Czarny - a zmieścisz to na dyskietkę?

a tak poza tym to pierwszy raz w życiu zamówiłem u Ciebie towar - Gain fast'a na dobry początek. Jak się sprawdzisz to zostanę Twoim stałym klientem


HST PUSH & PULL - mój autorski "system" treningowy:http://www.sfd.pl/-t589381.html
Dieta LOW-CARB, art dla początkujących: http://www.sfd.pl/-t655403.html
Redukcja od A do Z - wszystko o redukcji:http://www.sfd.pl/-t654560.html
Tabata - co to jest i za co ją lubię?: http://www.sfd.pl/-t963145.html
Takie wielkie, takie niewinne. A same niosą na grzbiecie skrzydlatą kostuchę. Polską śmierć.

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