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Wywiad z Shaolinem!

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Już nie dam rady przetłumaczyć dzisiaj, więc wrzucam po ang. Nie miałem wcześniej czasu i teraz też już bez sensu to tłumaczyć!

DENIS MARTINS: How did you handle your first defeat? SHAOLIN: I handled it tough. I had beaten him in 2002 in a tough fight in which I dominated the three rounds. But, even so, I trained a lot to face him again because it wasn't due to my first victory over him that I'd train less. I trained three times more than the first fight. In the first round, I felt myself comfortable on the feet and I saw him with a better base to not be taken down. I attacked single-leg to try to take him down but it didn't work... I guess he used the ropes very well and the fight did stall a little. I knew that the fight was for the title and that was my first title defense, so I wanted to beat him because I wanted to make my name under SHOOTO's name. It was my 11th fight and I got very sad and upset due to this result. But I already lost in Submission and Jiu Jitsu and I know that the World isn't gone when you lose.

DENIS MARTINS: Was it a huge mistake to keep the fight on the feet? SHAOLIN: I was good on my feet. But he hit my face hard with a good strike. The referee did start the count for the knock down, and as the fight re-started in stand-up, I was dizzy. He came to KO me and I tried to take him down. I believe it was a mistake to keep the fight standing up too much. I should have faked some strikes on the feet and then taken him down. He has his merits, and he was smart to keep the fight on the feet and he is competent to strike my face perfectly.

DENIS MARTINS: The knock down count... how much pressure do you feel when the referee does this? SHAOLIN: When the referee counts, you know you're losing the round and you need to wake-up quickly. Afterwards, you need to take care of yourself because the opponent comes to KO you. Sometimes when you're knocked down and the count doesn't happen, you can go to the bottom and try to grab your opponent. Sometimes the count is good because you can get recover. This depends a lot.

DENIS MARTINS: Can a good hand-strike to the head harm a very-well trained fighter? SHAOLIN: Not always the best fighter wins, but I was well-trained and that strike to my face harmed my game-plan and finished the fight. I watched his fight against Caol Uno and they traded punches a lot, but not one of them landed like he did with me.

DENIS MARTINS: Do you think Kawajiri studied you more than before? SHAOLIN: I think he did. But some things happened in the fight that he used well. He turned his back close to the ropes a lot of times on the feet. I couldn't punch him, and because of it the referee stopped the fight and re-started it in the center of the ring. Kawajiri put his leg behind the ropes while on his feet, too. And it didn't give a chance to take him down the way I wanted to do. Even when he was studying me, I'd impose my game if these facts didn't happen.

DENIS MARTINS: He fought twice and you once before the title match. Did this affect you? SHAOLIN: For sure, my pace was okay on the fight but I lost focus. While he was fighting, I was into other aspects like giving seminars in Europe and USA. I felt some problems because I had a specific weight nearly the whole year, while Kawajiri was with the same weight and fighting. I just trained, while he fought between September and December. Because of that, this year I'll just dedicate myself at training and fighting, and my goal will not be to participate in ADCC or seminars. It'll be fighting and more fighting. I'm going to fight in May, maybe in July, and I want to get a fight in September as well.

DENIS MARTINS: Do you think you can take the belt this year? SHAOLIN: I want a rematch with Kawajiri, as I think I deserve it and after all, I gave him a rematch. Of course he deserved that because he fought pretty-well and became a contender. And I'd like to say that I didn't understand why he was my opponent since he wasn't the number #1 fighter at the time of the ranking. I guess the promoters thought he had more chances of beating me than the REAL contender. But I'm not complaining about it... I was there to fight. I want to take the belt again and I need to win my fights, but I don't believe I'll get it this year. Maybe in the first half of 2006, I can fight for the belt again.

DENIS MARTINS: Do you think you can rematch with more fighters in SHOOTO? SHAOLIN: I fight anyone -- if it's a rematch, let's do it. It can be Ryan Bow or Joachim Hansen. I want to do the same thing that Kawajiri did -- to beat my opponents and get an opportunity to fight for the title again.

DENIS MARTINS: We have HERO's and PRIDE BUSHIDO. How do you feel about both of these big organizations paying attention to smaller-weight class fighters? SHAOLIN: I'm going to fight in SHOOTO in July, but I'm open. I changed my manager and now it's Jorge Guimaraes. And I know he has a good relationship with PRIDE. On the other hand, I'll fight for Rumble On The Rock and this event is close to K-1 and HERO's. I want to fight in huge organizations, but I don't want to fight once per year and stay away from these events for a long period of time. I'm open to all organizations, and Guimaraes has his contacts and he knows what is best for me.

DENIS MARTINS: You're going to fight Tetsuji Kato at ROTR (Rumble On The Rock). What can we expect from you and what do you know about him? SHAOLIN: He's a fighter who already fought in SHOOTO. He has a good resume and a lot of experience. He is tough and this fight will be a 73kg fight. I'm very-well trained and I want to hit someone. I'm coming from a defeat and it's a new way that I'm looking at my career, as this is very different in my career because I want a KO or a submission. I can't promise a victory, but I'll give my best to achieve it.

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