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Leko vs Ogawa - kontrowersje

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artykuł z MMAweekly.com

"There has been a lot of talk along message boards across the USA
regarding the Stephan Leko vs Ogawa fight.

Some people question the validity of the fight and some people in the
States believe the fight was a "work", meaning pre-determined outcome.

MMAWeekly's Scott Petersen who covered the event in Japan doesn't
believe it. "I believe you have an inexperienced fighter in MMA,
(Leko) who was a bit nervous in his first fight in Pride and it showed.
Ogawa got the better of him."

Others are more suspicious including Dave Meltzer from the wrestling
observer who came on MMAWeekly Radio yesterday.

Meltzer said "Pride and K-1 were built because of success of pro
wrestling in Japan. Ogawa is a guy who is a huge draw, just under
Akebono, Bob Sapp and others." Meltzer went onto say "it's interesting
that sportbooks didn't list the Ogawa vs Leko fight and it's
interesting that Leko has taken much harder shots from K-1 fighters and
has never gone down...I think things point to this fight being a work.
Let's just say the pro wrestlers in Japan... when this fight was
announced, felt this fight would be a work, no doubt about it."

We received your takes on the Soundoff Forum and this is what you said
about the Leko vs Ogawa fight...

NYWarrior - "The only thing I found strange was it seemed like he went
down real easy from the punch. I thought maybe he even slipped. They
didn't show it on replay...Conclusion: I don't think it was a fixed
bout. I just think once it got to the ground he had NO chance. (Mark
Hunt take notice!"

Hayabusa - Cause MMA internet fans are racists who hate the Japanese!

Badguy from Soundoff Forum - "I think it was strange that, Ogawa would
only enter if he fought Silva or Leko. Leko looked a little lost. I do
find it strange he got knocked down so easy. It looked funny, But I was
thinking work well before the GP started.

Luke22 - I think its tough to call the fight a work. I don't think
Leko has ever worked a fight before and doing a worked fight is much
more difficult than people think. Its pretty easy to watch on tv and
say "oh he went down easy after the punch", but we don't really know.

Gary Mac - Why because....

1) Ogawa has known works in his history

2) Leko, a qualified striker, did not attempt a serious striking attack

3) Leko, a qualified striker, went down very easily from a Judo
player's strike

4) There were zero instant replays

5) This fight was "coincidentally" the ONLY fight not shown in the
re-cap portion of the broadcast.

littlenero - It was Leko's first MMA match, of course he looked
awkward. He was probably afraid to be taken down. On the other hand
it wouldn't surprise me if it was a work.

BTW Ogawa will "draw" Giant Silva next round. Bet the farm on it."

Ogladalem walke i hmmm trudno sie nie zgodzic ze była "politycznie podejrzana" eheheheheheheh

a wiec jak panowie nastepna runda to bedzie Silva Giant vs OGawa ???
Ekspert SFD
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tak to juz jest w swiecie showbiznesu

Były moderator Sceny MMA i K-1 oraz elita SFD.

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Zamiast Ogawy w GP ze skosow powinien brać udział Fujita!

Sogów nie odbijam, jak podobała Ci się moja wypowiedź, to wejdź na www.pajacyk.pl !

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Szacuny 60 Napisanych postów 20426 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 84647
On teraz ma na glowie Sappa w K-1 MMA..

Były moderator Sceny MMA i K-1 oraz elita SFD.

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Szacuny 5 Napisanych postów 1445 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 7799
Jesli to prawda, to jest to bardzo smutne... Nie dosc, ze poszedl do Pride, gdzie raczej wielkiej kariery nie zrobi, to jeszcze sie podklada w I walce..? Co ta kasa z ludzi robi?? Czy on az tyle juz osiagnal sportowo w uderzanych, zeby olac dalszy rozwoj i pojsc na emeryture jako ustawkowy worek w MMA..!?

Ojciec Dyrektor Dzialu K-1 www.mmaniacs.pl 2003 - 2010

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Szacuny 60 Napisanych postów 20426 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 84647
Jesli rozpiska ktora podalem w poscie o Pride jest prawdziwa to w drugiej rundzie to raczej Mino zrobi z Ogawy worek treningowy

Były moderator Sceny MMA i K-1 oraz elita SFD.

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