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OLIMP CLA - wiadomosci

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The Fitness Truth

Phil Kaplan
"If you've ever failed to achieve a fitness or weight loss result, it wasn't your fault! The massive deception infiltrating the fitness industry has forced millions of victims to waste money, time, and motivation on ineffective products and programs. Consumers need a single resource for truth. With that truth they become empowered to achieve virtually any fitness result they want. You'll find that truth here . . . in this unbiased forum."

QUESTION: How do you feel about CLA? I have a client that may want to use it, and I was just wondering if you recommend it?

ANSWER: CLA, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, has been making a few headlines as a fat burner, and those headlines use to all-too-common words, "research has proven." More accurately, those headlines would suggest "some research leads to maintaining a suspicion that oral ingestion of CLA might play a role in accelerating fat loss." The problem is, that type of approach doesn't sell as much product as "Research Has Proven."

There were a number of studies that indicated there might be some link between oral CLA and fat loss. Most involved animals. One such study did deal with exercising humans and did attempt to measure bodyfat. There wasn't, however, a control group that used another form of linoleic acid, and there isn't any question that EFA's (alpha linolenic acid a linoleic acid) play a role in fat mobilization. Perhaps the CLA filled in an EFA gap in the experimental group's nutrition and that same gap might have been filled in by oral ingestion of flaxseed oil.

Another study actually did a comparison where the control group used an unsaturated fat, olive oil, but in my opinion, that wasn't a revealing comparison. Olive is a good source of Omega 9 fatty acids, but NOT of linoleic acid. If linoleic acid is a contributor to fat release, the research should compare CLA to flaxseed oil for a more definitive conclusion on the actual value of CLA.

The problem with the words "research has proven" is compounded by the fact that supplement sellers will only share research that appears to lend some credence to their offerings. In another study, "Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation in Humans," no discernible changes in body composition were noted. Personally I'm not sold on CLA. It's expensive. The preponderance of available evidence seem to suggest that it isn't a bodybuilding or fat loss aid.

Switching the focus away from body reshaping, if your client wants to take it for health reasons, there has been some promising research to suggest that CLA has anti-carcinogenic properties. Other research suggests it might act as an aid for those suffering Type II diabetes.

Why, if it's more proven in other areas is it sold for fat loss? Only because so many people are in quest of precisely that. To capitalize on the want, supplement sellers have learned to strategically create rumors of the ingestion of their products being the great new fat loss salvation. There is in fact one certain path to healthful fat loss and it doesn't come in a bottle. Eat supportively and train effectively.

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e-lite Moderator
Szacuny 3629 Napisanych postów 36555 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 260970
Suplementy tego typu to może i dobre rozwiązanie ale dla tych co mają kiepską dietę.. taka prawda.

-[][]-- r(e)spect --[][]-
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51600 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
hmm czy cla to dobry wybor w polaczeniu z dieta zone?
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 215 Wiek 34 lat Na forum 11 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1018
Troche odświerzę temat, a mianowicie nie moge przez pare miesięcy ćwiczyć, mam dużo nadwagę, waga rośnie z dnia na dzień przez leki które przyjmuje od paru lat .

Co najwyżej moge robić lekki trening aerobowy, mało intensywny, aby zbytnio się nie zatłuścić pomyślałem o dobrej misce (dieta) oraz od jakiegoś czasu zostałem zachęcony na skorzystanie z Olimp CLA z karnityną, w dawce zalecanej, czyli 4 kapsułki dziennie .

Jakby dobrze poszło i jeżeli zredukowałbym ten tłuszcz zmniejszył bym dawkę o połowę i pozostawił jako stałą suplementację .

Teraz mam takie pytanie, a mianowicie czy ktoś z Was olimpijczyków, tudzież gustujących w suplach OLimpa może ciepło się wypowiedzieć o tym środku ??

Pytanie zadałem by się jeszcze mocniej utwierdzić w tym, że to może jednak działać gdyż słyszałem dużo pozytywnych opinii, ale raczej z ust kobiet .

Teraz jeszcze zadam drugie pytanie i obiecuje ze owe pytanie będzie ostatnim, a mianowicie :

Z czym brać CLA jeśli wogóle można oraz kiedy brać CLA w dni wolne od moich skromnych treningów ?

Bardzo chciałbym schudnąć i obawiam się, że będe musiał schudnąć na wiór, że tak to nazwe i później zaczynać zabawe od zera, ale już z poważniejszym treningiem gdy wróce do zdrowia .

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