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Rico Verhoeven vs Badr Hari w rewanżu na GLORY: COLLISION 2

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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3429 Napisanych postów 9308 Wiek 4 lata Na forum 5 lat Przeczytanych tematów 93093
Tak szczerze ci powiem Bane, że za nim nie przepadam. Bo to muslim, który w życiu ludzi skrzywdził mocno, no i znów łajza doznała kontuzji.

Dawniej Agares25. Na forum od 2013.
Twój lęk zniknie, jeśli jesteś w stanie zaakceptować największe cierpienie
Nie jesteśmy niewolnikami losu, jesteśmy niewolnikami własnego umysłu.
Godzina cierpienia zawiera w sobie więcej prawdy niż cały rok zadowolenia.

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Szacuny 31 Napisanych postów 711 Wiek 33 lat Na forum 12 lat Przeczytanych tematów 40034
kogo skrzywdzil?
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3429 Napisanych postów 9308 Wiek 4 lata Na forum 5 lat Przeczytanych tematów 93093
Jednego biznesmena napadł skopał go, a potem skakał po nim. Już nie mówiąc o zachowaniu w ringu. Już nie mówiąc o kopaniu leżącego rywala wbrew zasadom. Już wcześniej był wiele razy przed więzieniem zatrzymywany za agresywne zachowanie.

Tu masz cały opis

Hari has been the subject of a number of police investigations for charges of assault and has gained a reputation for violent behavior.[69] A psychologist who spoke to Hari in relation to one of his trials concluded that his success as an athlete and celebrity status, combined with a lack of personal guidance, has resulted in narcissistic personality traits.[70] About his violent eruptions, Hari has said: "I am able to explode at any moment. [...] When my brakes are off, it's just one big clump of explosion, chaos and noise, and I become blind to it all. [...] A storm, a hurricane, a disaster. [...] There just is a certain aggression inside of me, of which I don't know what to do with and neither where it comes from."[71] At his conviction on 21 February 2014, the district attorney described Hari as an individual who is very short-tempered, indulges in vulgar power display, and demonstrates aggressive and intimidating behavior which is characterized by a high "do-you-even-know-who-I-am caliber".[70]

Late October 2012, an indictment was handed to Hari in his holding cell, which contained nine criminal charges against Hari: eight crimes of violence and one moving violation.[72] The moving violation relates to an incident in March 2010, where a pedestrian sustained injuries. The eight crimes of violence were: attempted manslaughter of Koen Everink (who was later murdered in 2016, however without link to Badr Hari),[73][74] two assaults in night club Club Air, the assault of the brother of an ex-partner in bar Cooldown, an assault in club Jimmy Woo, an assault of two people including a woman in July 2011, and the assault of a doorman in 2010.[72] An investigation is on going. If convicted he could face up to four years in prison.[69][75]

20 February 2010 Club Blinq. The bouncer of Club Blinq is assaulted by several perpetrators one of which is said to be Hari.[69][76]
6 March 2010 Albert Cuyp Market. Hari drives his car into the Albert Cuyp Street, which was closed to vehicle traffic, and has an accident with a pedestrian severely injuring her leg.[69]
1–29 July 2011 Spuistraat. Hari is accused of assaulting his ex-girlfriend Rosa in her apartment in Spuistraat and the destruction of her property.[69][77]
17 July 2011 Club Air. Jeroen van de Berg, the owner of the Club Air and an Italian guest are assaulted. Jeroen suffers serious damage to his teeth due to a kick to the head.[69][78]
2 December 2011 Cooldown Cafe Hari is caught on camera in "The Cooldown Cafe" assaulting Olivier, the stepbrother of his ex-girlfriend.[69]
8 July 2012 Sensation White, Dutch millionaire entrepreneur Koen Everink is severely assaulted at a dance event in the Amsterdam Arena. Everink suffered a broken nose and eye socket and a broken ankle, which required several surgical procedures.[79] The public prosecutor stated that numerous witnesses had pointed the finger at Hari.[80]
On 25 July 2012, Taken Into Custody. Hari turned himself in to the police in Amsterdam. He was taken into custody as a suspect for six cases; later his detainment was prolonged for 90 days.[81]

In July 2012 Hari handed himself into police as he feared "being arrested by a SWAT team".[82] Having come forth to deny his involvement in an alleged assault on businessman Koen Everink, who claimed Hari was responsible for inflicting his face and leg injuries including a broken ankle,[82] further allegations of assault were made by an Amsterdam nightclub owner.[45] The latter alleged that he had also been attacked by Hari, saying that he 'suffered a broken jaw and lost teeth after being kicked in the head' during an altercation at his nightclub and that in light of Everink's seeking to press charges, he would also seek to press charges.[45]

As is procedure in the Netherlands for crimes that carry a statutory minimum four-year prison sentence or more, Hari was detained in prison whilst awaiting trial. On 9 November 2012 a court in Amsterdam decided to allow Hari to return home until his trial on the condition that he not visit any 'horeca' establishments (hotels, restaurants and café establishments), or contact witnesses, with the exception of his girlfriend Estelle Cruijff.[83] The day following his release he was spotted violating this condition by eating out at a deli with his girlfriend Estelle Cruijff. He also made contact with two witnesses of the incident.[84] As a result, three days after being released Hari was arrested again by police in Amsterdam and was sentenced to be detained once more, this time for three months, with his eventual release coming in January 2013.[83][84]

On 21 January 2013 a court in Amsterdam determined that Hari should again be released from his pre-trial detention, this time with the condition that he could not visit catering establishments between the hours of 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM.[85] By this point the main witnesses in the case had been heard; consequently the court deemed it unnecessary to further detain Hari .[85] Following Hari's release he resumed training with the intention of returning to the ring.[86] His trial is reportedly set to take place in March 2013,[87] he faces nine charges including aggravated assault and attempted manslaughter.[45][84]

In 2013, Hari released a hip-hop song with Dutch-Moroccan rapper Appa entitled "Kampioen" ("Champion").[88]

On 21 February 2014 a court in Amsterdam condemned him to jail for 1½ years.[89]- His legal team filed an immediate appeal, as did the prosecution.[90] However, the High Court in The Hague found him guilty of aggravated assault, noting in particular that each of his assaults was preceded by a relatively mild quarrel and that to his victims his violent behaviour came as a complete surprise, leaving them no chance to defend themselves. He was sentenced to two years in prison, of which ten months suspended. Since he had already spent eight months in pre-arrest, he still had to serve half a year in prison. In addition, he has to pay his victims a fine of €45 000.[10]

Hari is friends with the President of Chechnya (Russia), Ramzan Kadyrov.[91]

Hari was reportedly arrested in Dubai following his tournament win at Global FC 3 on 29 May 2014, and he was detained and questioned by police over an alleged incident from late 2011/early 2012 before being released, according to his lawyer.[92] Hari himself refuted the reports.[93]

Dawniej Agares25. Na forum od 2013.
Twój lęk zniknie, jeśli jesteś w stanie zaakceptować największe cierpienie
Nie jesteśmy niewolnikami losu, jesteśmy niewolnikami własnego umysłu.
Godzina cierpienia zawiera w sobie więcej prawdy niż cały rok zadowolenia.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 2679 Napisanych postów 9012 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 221465
A ja tam uwielbiam widzieć go w akcji imo jest przetalentem, każda jego walka jest zayebista , zayebiscie boksuje ,zayebiscie kopie (trochę mi młodego Hoosta przypomina) dla mnie Hari to przede wszystkim Zayebisty zawodnik ,
a ze osobiście go nie znam to mnie jego prywatne życie nie interesuje
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3125 Napisanych postów 22804 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 208988
No prywatnie to jest patus pierwszej wody, niestety. Był zamieszany w skatowanie jakiegóś bieznsmena, który póxniej zostął zamordowany.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 5248 Napisanych postów 17642 Wiek 45 lat Na forum 10 lat Przeczytanych tematów 163183
Sportowiec dobry, ale jako człowiek kawał gówna

"CHO NO TU" - Seba

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 5248 Napisanych postów 17642 Wiek 45 lat Na forum 10 lat Przeczytanych tematów 163183
To już druga walka przegrana przez kontuzję. Dziwne to co najmniej. W każdym razie nie jest w stanie skończyć Rico

Rundy 1:1. Jakby tych skocznych figli nie próbował mógłby wygrać. Już nie te lata na fikołki, ścięgna mięśnie w wieku 35 lat to już nie to samo.

Zmieniony przez - grind w dniu 12/23/2019 4:14:55 AM

"CHO NO TU" - Seba

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