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T2 - Biotest SPRZEDAM !!

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środek ten jest dostępny za 109.33 zł

natomiast ja za niego chce 85 zł ( taniej niz gougglebolic !!! )

Troche informacji ... niestety po angielsku ( jakby co pytajcie w suplementach )

Announcing… T2… Believe it!

I am pumped to the max. We're finally producing the super powerful thyroid hormone… T2.
We've been talking about making T2 for a long time, getting everybody's hopes up, but nothing seemed to be happening. What you didn't know is, we were working overtime in the background, trying to overcome a multitude of obstacles. All the problems centered on not being able to obtain the actual raw material - at least not efficiently.
First off, the manufacturing plant in South America that makes the pharmaceutical-grade compound literally blew up. Fortunately, it was after working hours and no one was injured. Unfortunately, on the other hand, we had to wait for a new facility to be built and retooled, which took about six months.

Finally, the plant was up and running and producing T2.

But why all this fuss over one dietary supplement?

It's very simple. T2 is the most potent non-prescription thyroid-hormone analogue available. In fact, in many aspects, it's equipotent to the big T3 (Cytomel).
Even though T2 (3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine) is potentially suppressive if used long-term, it's still very safe when used at the recommended doses for periods of up to six weeks. But after that, to avoid the possibility of TSH suppression, you need to cycle off for six weeks In other words, it's not going to down-regulate thyroid production and leave your gland as inactive as a dormant volcano after you stop using it as long as you cycle off T2 for 6 weeks after 6 weeks of use.
This is almost too good to be true! Now we can have all the metabolic stimulating horsepower of T3 in a safe dietary supplement. In fact, with all the volumes of research on T2 — as well as searching the FDA's archives — there isn't one single case of an adverse reaction reported from its use.
Now that we've covered the safety issue, it's time to get into what's really exciting about T2.
T2 is found abundantly in beef - you know, steak, hamburger, etc. - which clearly establishes that it's in our food supply and passes the FDA's supplement test. Our T2 isn't made from ground chuck, mind you, so don't freak out. It's highly pure material made in a pharmaceutical lab.
If you're unfamiliar with T3, it's what the hardcore bodybuilders use in the final stages of contest prep to help them get that cellophane-thin skin that everyone wants, but few can obtain. In other words, without T3, most competitive bodybuilders would have an entirely different look, smoother to say the least. Of course, there are the select few who wouldn't need T3, but they are the rare exceptions.
Ever since the super ripped look first appeared in the 80s, T3 has been widespread and universally used by the hardcore guys. But this leaves most of us law-abiding blokes pressing our noses against the metabolic windowpane, looking in at the privileged few who have access to T3.
Yes, we have brand-new, cutting-edge thermogenics like MD6, but they only address half the metabolic challenge of getting lean, which is primarily through adrenoreceptor regulation.
For example, MD6 contains compounds that effectively target both alpha and beta adrenoreceptors, control appetite even for the most avid gluttons (me), and elevate mood, making you as perky as Kathie Lee on speed. But, it doesn't provide the ability to switch on the body's real thermogenic powerhouses… thyroid receptors and the mitochondria.
(In case you slept through biology class, like me, mitochondria are little critters that supply most of the aerobic fuel (ATP) for cells. In other words, activate them and you'll increase the metabolism, big time!)

The Other Mr. T

When we use the term "T," most often we're referring to Testosterone. But there's another powerful chemical family with that beloved moniker — Thyroid hormones.
Thyroid hormones (TH) are considered major tissue growth factors. In fact, without them, overall body growth would not occur. They effect the activity of enzymes, the metabolism of substrates, vitamins and minerals, and te function of other endocrine systems.
In essence, thyroid hormones stimulate basal metabolic rate by increasing whole-body oxygen consumption, which is activated through two different pathways: DNA transcription on various target tissues (heart, liver, muscle, etc.), and by acting directly upon the mitochondria.
The effect on the mitochondria is particularly interesting. Even though the mechanism isn't fully understood, it's believed thyroid hormones act as uncoupling agents, releasing energy through the production of ATP.

Additionally, thyroid hormones…

Stimulate protein synthesis (Can you say Anabolic!?)
Affect most every aspect of carbohydrate metabolism
Produce multiple effects on lipid metabolism, especially lipoproteins ("cholesterol")
Enhance the effects of epinephrine in stimulating glycogenolysis and glucose utilization
As you can see, thyroid hormones are powerful metabolic allies to have on your side. And, in contrast, if you're thyroid deficient, you're dead meat, bubba.
In today's world, with all the crazy dieting schemes and thermogenic compounds being used by just about everyone, it's a safe bet that most of our T glands are a little sluggish. But that doesn't have to be the case. Now we have a legal, as well as safe, over-the-counter thyroid hormone with just as much punch as the big guy himself, T3. Of course, the thyroid hormone I'm referring to is T2.
And just because 2 is one less than 3, don't let that fool you. Remember, T4 is much weaker than T3, so the number scheme doesn't reflect the potency of the analogue.
All this is pretty cool stuff, but how does T2 actually stack up to T3? Ready to be very impressed?

T2 Compared to T3

The similarity between T2 and T3 is remarkable — both in structure as well as activity in the body. Just take a look at the respective chemical names:

T2: diiodothyronine (3,5-diiodo-l-thyronine)
T3: triiodothyronine (3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine)

Not a chem buff? That's okay, there's tons of scientific literature that compares the actions of T2 to T3. When I began to delve into the research, the more I read about T2 the more excited I became. In fact, I'm so impressed with T2, I don't plan on using T3 ever again. And, if what follows doesn't give you wood, nothing will. Here's what I found:
T2 is as effective as T3 at activating hepatic malic enzyme (ME), but it's 3-5 times more effective at activating liver glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD).
T2 has much more of a pronounced effect on the mitochondria than T3 on four metabolically very active tissues: brown-adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, the liver, and heart muscle.
T2 boosts GH identical to T3, which is a 5-fold increase (demonstrated in hypothyroid rats).
T2 directly targets cytochrome-C reducers and cytochrome-C oxidizers, thus significantly stimulating mitochondrial respiration. This means T2 plays a role where rapid-energy utilization is required, such as cold exposure or overfeeding (pigging out).
Bottom line is, T2 is every bit as potent as T3, which means you now have an over-the-counter supplement that can truly maximize actual thyroid function just as effectively as the prescription drug Cytomel (T3)! And Biotst is the one delivering it, which makes us feel pretty darn good.
We've made a commitment to produce products that work nearly as well, or as well, as the popular, illegal drugs of bodybuilding. And with T2, we hit the "as good as drugs" category.
Biotest T2 is, without a doubt, the single, most-potent compound for fat loss ever to be released in the supplement industry. In fact, it's so effective that we have concerns about what the FDA's going to do. Yes, we have attorneys who have given us the go-ahead, but you know the FDA… It's their way or the highway.
Getting Truly Lean and Buff
This is where I give a strong dose of reality. If you're as fat as a manatee, don't expect to take T2 and be able to do ab poses at the beach in a week. It should be obvious, the further you are away from being ripped, the longer it's going to take to get there.
To put it in perspective, if you have 20 pounds of fat to lose — the basic 2-pack look — you better know that it's going to take at least two months to get super lean, that is if you have the genetics, and if you don't metabolize a bunch of muscle in the process.
To get truly lean, you have to make a commitment to pay careful attention to manipulating diet and post-workout nutrition, tweaking training, and using drugs and/or supplements that accelerate fat loss and maximize muscle gains.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that you should expect to gain a lot of muscle while cutting up. All I'm saying is that you have to use anabolic agents at this time to preserve muscle mass, and maybe even gain a pound or two. In other words, regarding your physique, getting exceptionally lean is probably the single most difficult endeavor you'll encounter.
I'm convinced that it's utterly impossible to get really lean and buff without the use of powerful compounds to rev up the metabolism, and anabolics to keep from losing muscle mass. If purebred bodybuilders have to do it that way, we do too.
So, in your quest for cellophane-thin skin, don't forget to include anabolics. In the steroid world, in my opinion, we're talking about trenbolone acetate, stanozolol, oxandrolone, and injectable 4-AD. And for those who want to stay legal, the best choices are Androsol, Nandrosol, Tribex-500, and Methoxy-7.
In summary, to get that ripped, muscular-hard look of a bodybuilder, you need to stack a potent adrenoreceptor thermogenic, like MD6, with T2 and anabolics. Without this super-stack arsenal, don't expect these kinds of results. You can get lean, but not that lean.

eXpert przemówił !!

wszystko o suplementach !!
główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Jezeli chcesz kąkretniejszą porade pisz do mnie na maila a ci pomoge :]

eXpert przemówił !!
@@ ego sum via et veritas et vita @@

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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http://strony.wp.pl/wp/aoc/ strona moja.htm

środek dostępny za 89 zł
Ja go sprzedam za 80 zł

za wysyłke :
przy wpłacie na konto : 6 zł
za pobraniem: 12 zł

mozemy załatwić sprawe poprzez allegro : ]

eXpert przemówił !!

wszystko o suplementach !!
główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Jezeli chcesz kąkretniejszą porade pisz do mnie na maila a ci pomoge :]

eXpert przemówił !!
@@ ego sum via et veritas et vita @@

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51590 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
to jest ph ???
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
bak czemu sprzedajesz?? nie otwarte pudełko?? może za sogi sie wymienisz

Jeżeli straciłeś już w wiarę w wszystko - żyj dla siłowni i swoich mięśni

..........::::::::::STREET NIGGAZ GANG::::::::::..........

https://www.sfd.pl/topic.asp?topic_id=90018  -->> składy wszystkich znanych gainerów sprawdź!

GG 1844256

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11 Napisanych postów 1496 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5693
za sogi rady nie da %) wszystko świerze i nowiutkie !!
sprzedaje bo zbieram pieniądze na wakacje : ]

eXpert przemówił !!

http://strony.wp.pl/wp/aoc/ strona moja.htm

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Jezeli chcesz kąkretniejszą porade pisz do mnie na maila a ci pomoge :]

eXpert przemówił !!
@@ ego sum via et veritas et vita @@

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
qurwa bym kupił od Ciebie ale jutro po nowiutki dysk 80 gb ide
oczywiscie zrzuciłbyś cenki do 60 zl.....

Jeżeli straciłeś już w wiarę w wszystko - żyj dla siłowni i swoich mięśni

..........::::::::::STREET NIGGAZ GANG::::::::::..........

https://www.sfd.pl/topic.asp?topic_id=90018  -->> składy wszystkich znanych gainerów sprawdź!

GG 1844256

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Szacuny 5 Napisanych postów 1520 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 31223
Podaj nr gg do siebie albo odezwij sie do mnie.





Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11 Napisanych postów 1496 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5693

eXpert przemówił !!

http://strony.wp.pl/wp/aoc/ strona moja.htm

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Jezeli chcesz kąkretniejszą porade pisz do mnie na maila a ci pomoge :]

eXpert przemówił !!
@@ ego sum via et veritas et vita @@

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11 Napisanych postów 1496 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5693
sprzedane !!! : ]
więc nie dobijajcie sie juz domnie : ]

eXpert przemówił !!

http://strony.wp.pl/wp/aoc/ strona moja.htm

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

Jezeli chcesz kąkretniejszą porade pisz do mnie na maila a ci pomoge :]

eXpert przemówił !!
@@ ego sum via et veritas et vita @@

główny zgredzik-mafia.suple.hardcor.pl

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