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Boxing Is Boxing, Not MMA

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Boxing Is Boxing, Not MMA
By Ken Pishna, MMA Weekly
Posted: April 7, 2003

Since its inception in the United States, mixed martial arts has been considered the bastard child of the combat sports world while boxing ? even amidst all of the accusations of corruption ? maintains the glory of the fight world. The assumption that I hear time and time again is that ?boxing possesses the greatest athletes in the world? and that they could hold their own in a mixed martial arts fight because of their athleticism.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. I?m not saying that boxing doesn?t have some of the top athletes in the world or that they are slouches by any means. But to say that because a boxer is amazing in the boxing world that he could step into the octagon and defeat MMA fighters because of it, is misguided thinking.
Boxing has been around for over a hundred years in the United States and has built a rich history. It cannot be denied that the development of punching skill in boxing has been second to none. To go toe to toe with a boxer requires the training of a boxer and the dedication of a boxer. No one can step into the ring under boxing rules and expect to win without first dedicating themselves to training for it.
That said, mixed martial arts requires the same commitment to training and dedication that boxing does. The only difference? Boxing is a one-dimensional sport that is but a piece of the puzzle that is mixed martial arts. Today?s MMA fighters, to be competitive, must train in the skills of boxing, as well as, kickboxing, wrestling, and submissions.
So if a pure boxer were to step into the ring with a MMA fighter, it is doubtful that the boxer could last long. The many weapons that a MMA fighter possesses are more than a boxer can realistically be expected to handle.
While the boxer maintains an advantage on the feet against most MMA fighters, a well-trained MMA fighter would soon negate that advantage. If the boxer could keep his distance and trade blows with the MMA fighter, the boxer would definitely stand a good chance of defeating the MMA fighter. Though not as good a chance as many would think. Most MMA fighters are trained in boxing and many fight amateur or professional boxing bouts to supplement their MMA skills. Other than Shannon Briggs, most boxers do not do the reverse.
If the boxer is unable to maintain distance, the MMA fighter would most likely shoot in on the boxer and take him to the ground negating most of the boxers skills. If the boxer is not cross-trained in wrestling or some other grappling art, he is pretty much lost at this point. The MMA fighter, used to the ground game, would quickly gain an advantageous position and end the fight with a submission or perform the different types of strikes that work on the ground that a boxer is not used to.
To be fair, it is not only boxers that would come into the ring at a disadvantage against an MMA fighter. Any fighter that is trained in only one style of combat is relegated to the same disadvantage. A Brazilian Jiu-jitsu stylist that does not train in striking is at a disadvantage to an MMA fighter that knows how to defend the submissions. If an MMA stylist knows how to counter a wrestler?s takedowns, the wrestler is at a disadvantage.
In the original days of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, the format pitted style against style and a boxer may have stood somewhat of a chance of at least competing. As time has gone by and mixed martial arts has developed through cross-training in a variety of arts, the days of one style being able to compete have gone by the wayside. When fighter A has 40 tools at his disposal and fighter B has only 4 ? do the math ? fighter B doesn?t stand much of a chance.
This is why there are no big name boxers that have stepped into the MMA arena to make a big splash. They know that there is much more to it than being an excellent striker. There are many types of strikes to deal with, both hands and feet, and all the submissions, takedowns and positioning.
That is why boxers that do want to compete in MMA are not just jumping in hands first. Shannon Briggs, currently training with the American Top Team, is probably the most well-known boxer that is planning on entering the MMA ring. Briggs has been taking his time working with MMA fighters on their boxing skills while they work with him on his ground skills. He knows what it?s going to take to be competitive and not be served up on a platter for the first MMA fighter he steps in with.
Boxing is a wonderful sport with a rich history, but it is not mixed martial arts. A basketball superstar is not expected to step into professional baseball and dominate ? though Michael Jordan tried. In the same respect, a world-class boxer should not be expected to step into the mixed martial arts world and dominate. Apples are apple and oranges are oranges. Boxing is boxing and MMA is MMA.

Leniwy Kain

HIT Jedi

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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 9 Napisanych postów 1692 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 14199
sorry ale... co w tym odkrywczego? Boks to boks, zapasy to zapasy, MMa to MMA.



Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
to ze niektorzy nadal twierdza ze wystarczy wsadzic do klatki np Lenoxa LEwisa a rozjedzie tam wszystkich heheheeheh

Leniwy Kain

HIT Jedi

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