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nom wsumie , kurde ciezko to tlumaczyc na translatorze , jakby bylo po niemiecku to jeszcze... opis produktu i to chyba o cos podobnego chodzi w poronaniu do tamtego typka?
: ArginoCarn is a novel combination of Carnitine and Arginine in One capsule. Both are Amino Acids necessary for the fatty acid metabolism. * L-Carnitine plays a role in making fatty acids available for energy in musle tissue. * L-Carnitine also promotes brain metabolism, memory and cognitive function, especially mild memory problems associated with aging. * L-Arginine may increase blood flow through the arteries and to the heart and promotes healthy blood pressure. * Beneficial for healthy male sexual function and virility. ArginoCarn is a novel combination of Carnitine and Arginine in One capsule. Both are Amino Acids necessary for the fatty acid metabolism.* L-Carnitine plays a role in making fatty acids available for energy in musle tissue.* L-Carnitine also promotes brain metabolism, memory and cognitive function, especially mild memory problems associated with aging.* L-Arginine may increase blood flow through the arteries and to the heart and promotes healthy blood pressure.* Also beneficial for healthy male sexual function and virility.* Use as part of a healthy aging program.
ed: qurwa jem se zelki akorat i z duma patrze na twoj podpis ale za***iscie twarde bo z lodowki

Zmieniony przez - koksmox w dniu 2010-08-10 12:35:51
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Super Pump 250 - smaki

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(Gain Bolic 6000 czy Kreatyna)+carbo 16 lat<siłka>

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