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Szacuny 24 Napisanych postów 1986 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 60201
Znalazłem na MD dzisiaj rano,ale ciekawe to warto

"Anabolic Steroids Provide A Competitive Edge In Power Lifting Years After Doping Has Ended"

Anabolic Steroids Provide A Competitive Edge In Power Lifting Years
After Doping Has Ended

ScienceDaily — Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones derived from the
human male hormone testosterone. The use of steroids has been suspected
in professional baseball and other sports where building muscle
strength, rather than endurance, is paramount. Power lifting is such a

A team of researchers has examined the impact of anabolic steroid use on
power lifters years after the athletes had ceased to take the drugs. The
researchers found that while physical traces of the drug no longer
remained, changes in the shoulder and quadriceps still gave lifters an
advantage years later.

The research was conducted by Anders Eriksson and Lars-Eric Thornell,
Department of Integrative Medical Biology, Section conducted the study
for Anatomy, Umea University, Umea, Sweden; Christer Malm, Umeå
University and Winternet and Patrik Bonnerud, Department of Health
Science, Section for Medical Science, Lulea University of Technology,
Lulea, Sweden; and Fawzi Kadi, Department of Physical Education and
Health, Orebro University, Orebro, Sweden.

Dr. Eriksson will discuss the team’s study, “Anabolic Steroids
Withdrawal in Strength Trained Athletes: How Does It Affect Skeletal
Muscles?," at a conference sponsored by the American Physiological
Society. The conference, The Integrative Biology of Exercise V, will be
held September 24-27, 2008 in Hilton Head, SC.


Power lifting is a strength sport, requiring the use of a heavy dumbbell
to perform three repetitions each of a squat, a bench press and a dead
lift. It is in some ways similar to weight lifting, but where
weightlifting is a dynamic sport, power lifting is a static one.

Power lifters focus on body strength, which relies heavily on muscle.
The body’s main muscle fiber types: type I, type IIA and type IIB. Type
I is the weakest and slowest, but has the most endurance. Type IIA is
the strongest and fastest, but has the least endurance. Human muscles
occur along a continuum of fiber types. For power lifters, type IIB
fiber, the most powerful, is most frequently used. The use of anabolic
steroids can add more nuclei to the muscle, and enhance muscle fiber size.

The researchers examined data in two muscles: the vastus lateralis,
found in the quadriceps, and the trapezius, a part of the shoulder-neck
muscle. Each muscle is key to power lifting.

Three groups were examined. One group was comprised of seven power
lifters who had previously used anabolic steroids for long periods of
time but stopped their usage some years ago (PREV). One group was
currently power lifting but did not use steroids (P). The third group
was power lifting and taking steroids (PAS). The researchers examined
muscle fiber distribution, fiber area, subsarcolemmal and internal
myonuclei number per fiber, myonuclei expressing androgen receptors,
satellite cell numbers per fiber, and proportion of split fibers in each
muscle for each individual.


The researchers found that several years after anabolic steroid
withdrawal, and with no or low current strength-training, the muscle
fiber area intensity, the number of nuclei per fiber in the quadriceps
was still comparable to that of athletes that were currently performing
high intensity strength-training. They also discovered that the
shoulder-neck fiber areas were comparable to high-intensity trained
athletes and the number of nuclei per fiber was even higher than found
in the current steroid-using group.


According to the lead researcher, Dr. Eriksson, "It is possible that the
high number of nuclei we found in the muscle might be beneficial for an
athlete who continues or resumes strength training because increased
myonuclei opens up the possibility of increasing protein synthesis,
which can lead to muscle mass." He added, “Based on the characteristics
between doped and non-doped power lifters, we conclude that a period of
anabolic steroid usage is an advantage for a power lifter in
competition, even several years after they stop taking a doping drug."

Dla nieangielskich-generlanie chodzi o to,ze znaleziono zależność świadczącą o tym,że ciężarowcy ,którzy koksowali,wracając po latach offu do treningu ciągle mieli zmiany w budowie mięśni pzowalajace na większe przyrosty masy mięśniowej i lepsze wyniki
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 2805 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 41481
pewnie dlatego ze na koksie zrobili rzecz jasna wieksza mase a organizm to zapamietal

jestem chory na glowe
i nic za to nie moge
ze diabel jest w mojej glowie

Zgłoś naruszenie
_Knife_ Moderator
Szacuny 204 Napisanych postów 11365 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 86831
Stare, czytałem dawno temu - ale bardzo interesujące.

Opisuje zmiany po SAA w organizmie atletów.

"że mimo braku treningu ilość jąder komórkowych przypadających na włókno mięśniowe była bardzo wysoka".

Analizowali mięśnie czworogłowe i czworoboczne.


Śmieszne jest natomiast to zdanie:

Power lifting is a strength sport, requiring the use of a heavy dumbbell to perform three repetitions each of a squat

Autorzy jak widać nie odróżniają SZTANGIELKI (dumbbell) od sztangi BARBELL

Zmieniony przez - _Knife_ w dniu 2008-10-28 10:46:26

Największe mity i kłamstwa dotyczące dopingu: https://***********/d0ping
Największe mity medyczne: https://***********/mitologia1 

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 24 Napisanych postów 1986 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 60201
yeah,tez z tego ziałem :)
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Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51590 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
nie bralem i nie zamierzam wiec jestem spokojny
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to powinienes klapa na gola dupe od Matki a potem jak wroci z pracy to i od Ojca dostac, za to ze w tym dziale w ogole siedzisz
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comey - twoja strata
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