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przy jakiej diecie spada poziom testosteronu?

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przy jakiej diecie spada poziom testosteronu:?i przy jakich cwiczeniach?czy spadek ten jest znaczacy?
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niskowęglowodanowej i treningu wytrzymałościowym.
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kurcze tak myslalem, bo ja wlasnie taka diete stosuje pare miesiecy juz, tzn jem ok 100-150 gram wegli dziennie i 200 gram bialka, do tego 2 godz codziennie aerobik, i potencja bardzo mi spadla czy to wina diety?
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Khaine masz pod ręką jakieś badanie na podstawie którego opierasz swój wniosek? W The ketogenic diet nie ma jasnego wniosku... z opracowań Volka to nie wynika:

Study 2: VLCKD Effects on Testosterone and Insulin
Using the data from the same study, we have reported fasting and postprandial hormonal responses to a VLCKD rich in monounsaturated fat and supplemented with 3-fatty acids (4) . Fasting and postprandial total testosterone, free testosterone, cortisol, leptin, and insulin responses to an oral fat tolerance test were determined before and after the 8-week VLCKD. There were no significant changes in fasting total testosterone, free testosterone, and cortisol, but there were significant decreases in insulin (–28%) and leptin (–64%) concentration after the VLCKD. Postprandial insulin responses immediately after the fat-rich meal were significantly lower after the VLCKD.

Chodzi o ten tekst:

Effects of a high-fat diet on postabsorptive and postprandial testosterone responses to a fat-rich meal.

Volek JS, Gomez AL, Love DM, Avery NG, Sharman MJ, Kraemer WJ.

Human Performance Laboratory, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, USA.

Postprandial testosterone concentrations have been shown to significantly decrease after a fat-rich meal, which may be due to inhibition of testosterone production by chylomicrons. We examined the effects of a high-fat diet known to reduce postprandial chylomicrons on the testosterone response to a fat-rich meal. Total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT), cortisol, and insulin responses to a high-fat test meal containing 5.44 MJ (1,300 kcal, 11% carbohydrate, 3% protein, 86% fat) were determined before (week 0) and after (week 8) an 8-week high-fat diet (64% fat) in 11 healthy men. The high-fat diet resulted in significant reductions in postabsorptive and postprandial serum triacylglycerols (55% and 50%, respectively). There were no significant changes in postabsorptive serum TT, FT, and cortisol, but insulin concentrations were significantly (P < or = .05) lower at week 8 (-28%). There was a significant reduction 1 hour after the fat-rich meal for TT (-22%) and FT (-23%), which remained significantly below baseline for 8 hours. Postprandial TT and FT responses were not significantly different after the 8-week high-fat diet. Postprandial serum cortisol concentrations were significantly reduced 1 hour after the meal. There were no significant differences before and after the high-fat diet. Insulin was significantly increased at the 0-, 1-, and 2-hour postprandial time points before and after the high-fat diet. Compared with week 0, insulin concentrations were significantly lower prior to and immediately after the fat-rich meal at week 8. These data indicate a fat-rich meal results in a prolonged reduction in TT and FT concentrations that is not altered by lowering postprandial chylomicrons. Alternative mechanisms (eg, higher uptake at the receptor level of cells) other than chylomicron-induced or insulin-induced inhibition of steroidogenesis are likely responsible for the reduction in TT and FT after a fat-rich meal. Copyright 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.

to badanie też tego nie potwierdza:

Body composition and hormonal responses to a carbohydrate-restricted diet.

Volek JS, Sharman MJ, Love DM, Avery NG, Gomez AL, Scheett TP, Kraemer WJ.

Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-1110, USA.

The few studies that have examined body composition after a carbohydrate-restricted diet have reported enhanced fat loss and preservation of lean body mass in obese individuals. The role of hormones in mediating this response is unclear. We examined the effects of a 6-week carbohydrate-restricted diet on total and regional body composition and the relationships with fasting hormone concentrations. Twelve healthy normal-weight men switched from their habitual diet (48% carbohydrate) to a carbohydrate-restricted diet (8% carbohydrate) for 6 weeks and 8 men served as controls, consuming their normal diet. Subjects were encouraged to consume adequate dietary energy to maintain body mass during the intervention. Total and regional body composition and fasting blood samples were assessed at weeks 0, 3, and 6 of the experimental period. Fat mass was significantly (P <or=.05) decreased (-3.4 kg) and lean body mass significantly increased (+1.1 kg) at week 6. There was a significant decrease in serum insulin (-34%), and an increase in total thyroxine (T(4)) (+11%) and the free T(4) index (+13%). Approximately 70% of the variability in fat loss on the carbohydrate-restricted diet was accounted for by the decrease in serum insulin concentrations. There were no significant changes in glucagon, total or free testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), cortisol, or triiodothyronine (T(3)) uptake, nor were there significant changes in body composition or hormones in the control group. Thus, we conclude that a carbohydrate-restricted diet resulted in a significant reduction in fat mass and a concomitant increase in lean body mass in normal-weight men, which may be partially mediated by the reduction in circulating insulin concentrations. Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

Ogólnie dieta niskokaloryczna, niskotłuszczowa(z małą ilością nasyconych i jednonienasyconych), z niewielką ilością protein z produktów zwierzęcych jest negatywnie skolerowana z poziomem testosteronu, pewne opracowania wskazują, że za dużo białka też nie jest ok. ogólnie ciężki temat...

Zmieniony przez - ellis w dniu 2006-09-01 15:10:26
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 31 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 59
ej no ale jaja specjalnie bylem dzis rano zrobic poziom testosteronu i ft4
i wyniki mnie zaskoczyly
testosteron 26.21 nmol/l norma to 9,9-27,8
ft4 16.48 pmol/l norma to 12-22 pmol/l
nic nie rozumiem, taka niskokaloryczna dieta tyle aerobow i tak wysoki testosteron? to dlaczego poped mi spadl tak bardzo ze nie mam porannych erekcji nawet? i dlaczego gdy jadlem wiecej dawniej moj testosteron byl w granicach ok12 nmol/l czyli bardzo niski ale mialem o wiele wiekszy poped!!! moze mi ktos to wytlumaczyc?
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przepraszam miałem na myśli niskokaloryczną

dokonałem skoku myślowego

Edycja: Badania należy robić w możliwe podobnych warunkach... a poziom testosteronu waha się w ciągu doby znacznie - od wartości wysokich rano do nawet o połowę niższych popołudniu/wieczorem

Ale badania przeczytałem, przynajmniej w tej materii będe wiedział na przyszłość

Zmieniony przez - Khaine w dniu 2006-09-01 17:44:32
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Szacuny 5 Napisanych postów 730 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 20113
gdzieś czytałem (iron itp.) że w grupie ludzi u której obiżono spożycie tłuszczy spadł poziom tescia o kilka %.

siłe słonia szybkość gada da ci tylko lemoniada

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 19 Napisanych postów 3246 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 14357
Dokladnie, dlatego nie rozumiem czemu niektore gazety wpajaja mlodym chlopakom zeby jedli duzo ryzu i kurczaka z minimalna iloscia tluszczy- to podstawowy blad...


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