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Kolejna wymiana zdan pomiedzy Frankiem i Cesarem :-p

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Scena MMA i K-1

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After reading your rant on me I came to a conclusion many others had came to before me. Either you are a pathological liar or have become completely delusional. I suspect both to be true. When you stated you would fight 'any Gracie at any time for any amount of money' and that 'the Gracie's were dead and everyone knows it', I decided to take you up on your offer. That's right Frank, me. The guy that has no cage fights. Which according to you means 'he's not a real man'.

How disappointed will all of our armed forces be, fighting around the world for our freedoms (even your freedom to lie and make a fool of himself) when they learn they aren't 'real men' or women because they've never fought in a cage. Frank I guess I'm not a real man. However I will fight you in a cage, in a ring, or even in your backyard. The problem is you simply won't show up.

In referring to yourself you stated: "Everyone knows who I am and what I do. I'm a respectable gentleman. If you want to fight me, there's no problem with that."

I have some quotes from people that have dealt with you that might find your assertions confusing.

Scott Adams (promoter for the WEC): "The day Frank was supposed to sign the contract he just didn't show up."

Alex (the matchmaker for Rumble on the Rock): "Cesar has been waiting with pen in hand to sign for the fight."

PRIDE matchmaker: "Frank wants to keep talking so that people will think he's still alive."

Dana White (UFC president): "He won't show up."

Renzo Gracie: "That f***in' guy, he won't show up."

Frank I know in your mind you will chalk this all up as a vast conspiracy. That's why extensive psychological therapy is a must. I submit before you some of your more amusing contradictions. I refer to them as Frank's Follies.

Frank: "I'm fighting Sakuraba.."
PRIDE: "What?"

Frank: "I signed a 3 contract deal with PRIDE."
Frank: "I was going to sign it.... I never signed it at the end of the day."

Frank: "The Nevada State Athletic Commission won't allow Cesar to fight me because he has no record and they just won't allow that."
NSAC: "He never contacted us on the matter...we would have no problems with this fight."

Frank: "I'm a professional Martial Artist. I go to my class every night.."
Frank's students at AKA: "Where's Frank?"

Frank: "he's (Cesar) not a real Martial Artist"
Cesar's students and fight team: "LOL"

Frank: "The Gracie's are dead and everyone knows it."
Frank: "I have all the respect in the world for the Gracie's. They are an exceptional family. They are exceptional Martial Artists."

Frank: He (Cesar) can't get a pen in his hand and sign anything."
Alex at ROTR: "Cesar has been waiting with pen in hand to sign for the fight."

Frank even you might notice a pattern here. You've had some good fights, now let it go. It's OK to live off your past glories but please quit wasting other people's time. Even your fans are getting sick of it. You don't want to disappoint your fans, do you Frank?

Cesar Gracie"

Heh dziwi mnie troche Shamrock, dziwnego przeciwnika sobie wybral... Cesar jak wiadomo bardziej poswieca sie nauczaniu bjj a nie karierze fightera, ale ten spor chyba nigdy sie nie rozwiaze

Były moderator Sceny MMA i K-1 oraz elita SFD.

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Niech walcza i Cesar niech zamknie buzie Frankowi



Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 60 Napisanych postów 20426 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 84647
Do tej walki i tak imo nie dojdzie... jak dla mnie to jest tylko sposob na zwrocenie na siebie uwagi, ale ja to nazywam po prostu pajacowaniem
Tyle jest Gracie'ch a Frank uwzial sie na Cesara, ktory tak jak pisalem poswieca sie trenowaniu fighterow, a nie karierze fightera.

Były moderator Sceny MMA i K-1 oraz elita SFD.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 3237 Wiek 43 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 34974
ale nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie zeby z nim pojechal



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