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tito ortiz vs lee murray

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siema, mam takie pytanie, o co chodzi w tym calym sporze?
niby walczyli, niby wiele osob o tym mowi, ze lee natlukl tito, ale nie ma zadnych fotek, dowodow (przynajmniej sam nie widzialem)
ciekawi mnie, co slyszeliscie na ten temat, bo zakladam, ze slyszeliscie cos
po obejrzeniu ostatniego ufc musze powiedziec, ze ciekawie by wygladala walka ortiza z murray'em (pod warunkiem, ze lee troche przybierze na masie - co juz zapowiedzial ) a poki co interesuje mnie jego dalsza kariera jako middleweight fightera

Don't doubt it... Proud it.

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a do tego masz wypowiedź lee

"The following quotes are from an interview with Lee Murray by Ryan Bennett:

Lee Murray on his streetfight with Tito Ortiz at the UFC 38 aftershow party in London, England: "(Laughs). He's not even a man. He can't even admit to what happened. He has to come up with all this bullshit lies, saying, I had slippery shoes on. Hey, next time he comes to fight me, make sure he doesn't wear dress shoes. He ain't even man enough to say what happened. He said he got jumped by five guys or ten guys. The guy comes running at me, the guy come at me. Must have thought I was an idiot and come running at me throwing punches and thought I wasn't going to do nothing about it. What did he think, I was gonna run away? On the street, I got two, three, four hundred street fights, I've been street fighting all my life and this guy's got ten or twenty fights in the octagon and thinks he's gonna scare me off."

Lee Murray explains the sequence of events leading up to the altercation with Tito Ortiz: "I was speaking to him at fight, in the club, we was chattin. Pat and a few other guys were talking. We went outside and there was some commotion. I couldn't really see what was going on. Me and my friend were trying to break it with Pat and a few others and it kicked off. One guy tried to hit my friend and I jumped in and that's when Tito jumped in on me. I think the guy I stepped in on was one of his friends. Then he is coming to me. Pat and three other guys stepped between us. Then, his friend got knocked out cold. I was laughing, he seen me and took his jacket off. I took my jacket off, my watch off and put it in my pocket. He come running at me throwing punches and I smacked him up."

Lee Murray comments on Tito's excuse that he was drunk during their street fight: "We was both drinking. Tito was drunk, what about me? I was drinking vodkas and champagne all night. I was drunk as well. What does he think, I was sober and just finished a couple of rounds of shadow boxing and was ready? I was drinking all night and had dress shoes on as well. Dress shoes, what kind of excuse is that? If he was half a man, he'd come up with a better excuse than that. If that was me, you know what I'd have said? I'd have said, ah yeah, I was drunk, I scraped with a fighter and got a whaping. I wouldn't say I had dress shoes on and got rushed by ten guys.""
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Ortiz is a Punk! Ortiz is a Punk! Ortiz is a Punk!
Ja to bym chciał żeby Liddell skopał dupsko temu tlenionemu pedziowi.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 115 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1036
wielikie dzieki Kain za odpowiedz, teraz mam jasnosc (szkoda tylko, ze ile osob, tyle wersji zdarzenia) i z jeszcze wiekszym utesknieniem czekam na rewanz w klatce. tylko lee musi stoczyc jeszcze pare walk w wadze sredniej, a pozniej chce sie przeniesc do LHW.

tak poki lee jest jeszcze w MW, mysle ze ciekawie by wygladala jego walka z Baronim... oba chlopy maja ciezkie uderzenie, byloby ciekawie

Don't doubt it... Proud it.

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