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Powerlifting--Gear Basics

There may be the conception that bodybuilders and strength athletes run the same kind of gear cycles. While there may be some overlap between them, their goals are much different. Strength athletes use gear to get stronger AND to have better recuperative abilities. For bodybuilders in general, their goals tend of focus building muscle size and the aesthetic qualities of their physiques. As many of us know, muscle size does not usually come without strength, so by getting stronger bodybuilders often get larger as well.

With the current popularity in the general on-line bodybuilding community that you must run 1-2 grams of Test and various other gear, we have become a generation high mg users. This mentality has crept its way into strength sports as well that more is better. To a point, this is probably true. However, as strength athletes, specifically powerlifters, we need to remember our focus on the strength and recuperative aspects of gear use. The following cycle and principles allow just that. Kudos to Paul Bunyan for turning me on to this way of thinking about six months ago, as well as SQT900 from the now defunct BigMuthas board and our own IronAddict. Finally, having hung around a world champion and training with his protégés for years has shown me a different mentality with respect to gear. One thing. Most of what follows below applies to those PL'ers who are in upper weight classes--above 198. The lower classes may or may not do it depending upon weight issues.

Principle #1--Most PL'ers stay on for relatively long periods of time at lower dosages. Using a Test base of 300-600mgs per week, they will stay on for long stretches. This allows the recuperation needed and consistent strength gains.

Principle #2--Depending upon one's training system, PL's will incorporate more gear as they peak OR as they prepare in general for a meet. This usually includes the more androgenic varieties including Anadrol, D-bol, and Trenbolone. IF making weight is a problem, Winstrol or Trenbolone might be used to counteract some of the bloat, as well as Lasix to make weight.

Principle #3--Gear is often used for psychological purposes usually to incite aggression. Halotestin, Trenbolone, and Methyltest all can have this effect allowing the lifter to generate adrenaline to get even greater strength effects. It should be used sparingly for those peak lifts.

Principle #4--Keep it simple. Using two, maybe three substances that you are familiar with allows you to have an idea of the potential strength gains. I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say, "I had never used 'x' before, so I used it this time instead of 'y', and I got nothing out of it." When you find what works, stay with it. Experiment when nothing important is riding upon it, not when you are preparing for a meet.

Principle #5--Most will notice that I have left out a lot of popular gear including Deca, Eq, and others. These can all have their place. Eq tends to work well in keeping my joints pain free, as does Deca. However, the latter is shit for any kind of other gains. Others will have the opposite response to EQ and favor Deca. But ALWAYS remember your goal: it should help you get stronger and/or to recuperate better.

Principle #6--Weight increases are always taken per plan. If you want to stay injury free, know your limits even on gear. If you plan to do 'x', do 'x'. Once in a while will not cause you much damage, however, repeated instances might very well end your career. This will ensure, with intelligently planning, your tendons will not be leaving your bones or your muscles anytime soon. There will always be another day. Some may not like that attitude, but tear your pec insertion off at the bone and see how much fun it is. You will lose time from work,etc…Stay sane.

So how does all of this lay out. It might look something like the following, assuming a meet at the end of month 6. We are assuming the lifter is not having a problem making weight.

Months 1-3: 400-600mgs of a preferred Test ester


Month 4--800mgs per week of preferred Test ester

Month 5--30-50mgs per day of D-bol and the Test

Month 6--30-50mgs per day of D-bol, 75-100mgs EOD of Tren, and 800mgs of Test per week.

Month 7--300mgs weekly of Test and cycle repeats.

During months 4-6 many will increase the Test dosage as well. That tends to be an individual choice. At about a gram a week a week , I get all of the positives and no negatives. PB mentioned this to me a long time ago that while he was on the higher doses he felt bad. I backed off after his recommendation and found what he said was exactly right. Less was more for me, and I actually FELT GOOD. Couple that with IA's long term philosophy, especially with respect to older lifters (post 30), the overall gear use is much more sane. Gear can make you feel bad, good, etc., depending on the dosages--so definitely don't let it hinder your training.

Finally, while many like Anadrol, I am not a fan of it. EVERY powerlifter I have known who has torn or seriously strained a muscle has been on Anadrol for that cycle. I don't know if there is causal effect, but there definitely is a correlation. If you like it, use it sparingly. Also think about the effectiveness of the more expensive compounds like Anavar and Primo, relative to the same amount for Test, D-bol and Tren. There is no comparison cost wise and if strength and size are your goals, leave them behind and buy more gear you KNOW will work for you.

Wiem, mógłbym to przetłumaczyć, ale mi się nie chce:)

Peace, love, extasy

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